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Indicates whether or not the device is providing orientation data absolutely (that is, in reference to the Earth's coordinate frame) or using some arbitrary frame determined by the device. See Orientation and motion data explained for details.
API Device Orientation API DeviceOrientationEvent NeedsExample NeedsMarkupWork Property Reference


Returns the rotation of the device around the X axis; that is, the number of degrees, ranged between -180 and 180,  by which the device is tipped forward or backward. See Orientation and motion data explained for details.
API Device Orientation API DeviceOrientationEvent NeedsBetterSpecLink NeedsExample NeedsMarkupWork Property Reference


Returns the rotation of the device around the Y axis; that is, the number of degrees, ranged between -90 and 90, by which the device is turned left or right. See Orientation and motion data explained for details.
API Device Orientation API DeviceOrientationEvent NeedsBetterSpecLink NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMarkupWork Property Reference