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The RTCIceServer dictionary defines how to connect to a single ICE server (such as a STUN or TURN server). It includes both the URL and the necessary credentials, if any, to connect to the server.
Authentication Configuration Dictionary Experimental ICE RTCIceServer WebRTC


The VRLayer interface (dictionary) of the WebVR API represents a content layer (an HTMLCanvasElement or OffscreenCanvas) that you want to present in a VR HMD.
API Dictionary Experimental Interface Reference Virtual Reality VR VRLayer WebVR


The MediaTrackConstraints dictionary is used to describe a set of capabilities and the value or values each can take on. A constraints dictionary is passed into applyConstraints() to allow a script to establish a set of ideal values and/or preferred ranges of values for the track, and the most recently-requested set of custom constraints can be retrieved by calling getConstraints().
API Dictionary Interface Media Capture and Streams API Media Streams API MediaTrackConstraints Reference


The MediaTrackSupportedConstraints dictionary establishes the list of constrainable properties recognized by the user agent or browser in its implementation of the MediaStreamTrack object. An object conforming to MediaTrackSupportedConstraints is returned by MediaDevices.getSupportedConstraints().
API Constraints Dictionary Interface Media Capture and Streams API Media Streams API MediaTrackSupportedConstraints Reference


The MediaTrackSettings dictionary is used to return the current values configured for each of a MediaStreamTrack's settings. These values will adhere as closely as possible to any constraints previously set using applyConstraints(), and will adhere to the default constraints for any properties whose constraints haven't been changed, or whose customized constraints couldn't be matched.
API Audio audio Constraints Dictionary Interface Media Media Capture and Streams API Media Streams API MediaTrackSettings Reference Video video