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The MediaStream.getTrackById() method returns a MediaStreamTrack object representing the track with the specified ID string. If there is no track with the specified ID, this method returns null.
getTrackById Media MediaStream MediaStream API Method Reference WebRTC


The active read-only property of the MediaStream interface returns a Boolean value that will return to be  true if the MediaStream is active, else false.
API Media Streams API MediaStream Property Reference

The read-only property is a DOMString containing 36 characters denoting a unique identifier (GUID) for the object.
MediaStream Property Read-only Reference Web


The MediaStream interface represents a stream of media content. A stream consists of several tracks such as video or audio tracks. Each track is specified as an instance of MediaStreamTrack.
API Interface Media Streams API MediaStream Reference WebRTC


The MediaStream.onaddtrack property is an EventHandler which specifies a function to be called when the addtrack event occurs on a MediaStream instance. This happens when a new track of any kind is added to the media stream. This event is fired when the browser adds a track to the stream (such as when a RTCPeerConnection is renegotiated or a stream being captured using HTMLMediaElement.captureStream() gets a new set of tracks because the media element being captured loaded a new source.
API Event Handler Media Streams API MediaStream Property Reference


The MediaStream.onremovetrack property is an EventHandler which specifies a function to be called when the removetrack event occurs on a MediaStream instance. This happens when a track of any kind is removed from the media stream. This event is fired when the browser removes a track from the stream (such as when a RTCPeerConnection is renegotiated or a stream being captured using HTMLMediaElement.captureStream() gets a new set of tracks because the media element being captured loaded a new source.
API Event Handler Media Streams API MediaStream onremovetrack Property Reference


The clone() method of the MediaStream interface creates a duplicate of the MediaStream. This new MediaStream object has a new unique id and contains clones of every MediaStreamTrack contained by the MediaStream on which clone() was called.
API clone Media Capture and Streams Media Stream API MediaStream Method Reference