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The VREyeParameters interface of the WebVR API represents all the information required to correctly render a scene for a given eye, including field of view information.
API Experimental Expérimental Landing Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VREyeParameters WebVR


The maximumFieldOfView read-only property of the VREyeParameters interface describes the maximum supported field of view for the current eye.
API Experimental Expérimental maximumFieldOfView Obsolete Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VREyeParameters WebVR


The minimumFieldOfView read-only property of the VREyeParameters interface describes the minimum supported field of view for the current eye.
API Experimental Expérimental minimumFieldOfView Obsolete Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VREyeParameters WebVR


The recommendedFieldOfView read-only property of the VREyeParameters interface describes the recommended field of view for the current eye — ideally based on user calibration.
API Experimental Expérimental Obsolete Property recommendedFieldOfView Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VREyeParameters WebVR


The renderRect read-only property of the VREyeParameters interface specifies the viewport of a canvas into which visuals for the current eye should be rendered.
API Experimental Expérimental Obsolete Property Reference renderRect Référence Virtual Reality VR VREyeParameters WebVR