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The onerror property of the SpeechSynthesisUtterance interface represents an event handler that will run when an error occurs that prevents the utterance from being succesfully spoken (when the error event fires.)
API Experimental onerror Property Reference speech SpeechSynthesisUtterance synthesis


The SpeechSynthesisUtterance() constructor of the SpeechSynthesisUtterance interface returns a new SpeechSynthesisUtterance object instance.
API Constructor Reference speech SpeechSynthesisUtterance synthesis Web Speech API

Web Speech API

The Web Speech API makes web apps able to handle voice data. There are two components to this API:
API Experimental Landing recognition Reference speech synthesis Web Speech API

Using the Web Speech API

The Web Speech API provides two distinct areas of functionality — speech recognition, and speech synthesis (also know as text to speech, or tts) — which open up interesting new possibilities for accessibility, and control mechanisms. This article provides a simple introduction to both areas, along with demos.
API Guide recognition speech synthesis Tutorial Using Web Speech API


The cancel() method of the SpeechSynthesis interface removes all utterances from the utterance queue.
API cancel Experimental Method Reference speech SpeechSynthesis synthesis Web Speech API


The getVoices() method of the SpeechSynthesis interface returns a list of SpeechSynthesisVoice objects representing all the available voices on the current device.
API Experimental getVoices Method Reference speech SpeechSynthesis synthesis Web Speech API


The onvoiceschanged property of the SpeechSynthesis interface represents an event handler that will run when the list of SpeechSynthesisVoice objects that would be returned by the SpeechSynthesis.getVoices() method has changed (when the voiceschanged event fires.)
API Experimental onvoiceschanged Property Reference speech SpeechSynthesis synthesis Web Speech API


The pause() method of the SpeechSynthesis interface puts the SpeechSynthesis object into a paused state.
API Experimental Method pause Reference speech SpeechSynthesis synthesis Web Speech API


The paused read-only property of the SpeechSynthesis interface is a Boolean that returns true if the SpeechSynthesis object is in a paused state, or false if not.
API Experimental paused Property Reference speech SpeechSynthesis synthesis Web Speech API


The pending read-only property of the SpeechSynthesis interface is a Boolean that returns true if the utterance queue contains as-yet-unspoken utterances.
API Experimental pending Property Reference speech SpeechSynthesis synthesis Web Speech API


The resume() method of the SpeechSynthesis interface puts the SpeechSynthesis object into a non-paused state: resumes it if it was already paused.
API Experimental Method Reference resume speech SpeechSynthesis synthesis Web Speech API


The speak() method of the SpeechSynthesis interface adds an utterance to the utterance queue; it will be spoken when any other utterances queued before it have been spoken.
API Experimental Method Reference speak speech SpeechSynthesis synthesis Web Speech API


The speaking read-only property of the SpeechSynthesis interface is a Boolean that returns true if an utterance is currently in the process of being spoken — even if SpeechSynthesis is in a paused state.
API Experimental Property Reference speaking speech SpeechSynthesis synthesis Web Speech API


The error property of the SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent interface returns an error code indicating what has gone wrong with a speech synthesis attempt.
API Error Experimental Property Reference speech SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent synthesis Web Speech API


The charIndex read-only property of the SpeechSynthesisUtterance interface returns the index position of the character in the SpeechSynthesisUtterance.text that was being spoken when the event was triggered.
API charIndex Experimental Property Reference speech SpeechSynthesisEvent synthesis Web Speech API