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display-mode is a CSS media feature that selectively applies CSS based on the display mode of the application. This feature corresponds the Web app manifest's display member. Both apply to the top-level browsing context and any child browsing contexts. This query applies regardless of whether a web app manifest is present. Use this query to provide a consistant user experience between launching a site from an URL and lunching it from a desktop icon.
@media CSS display display-mode media feature web app manifest


The box-suppress CSS property controls the box generation of an element.
CSS CSS Display CSS Property Experimental Graphics Layout NeedsExample Reference Web


The display-inside CSS property specifies the inner display type of the box generated by an element, dictating how its contents lay out inside the box.
CSS CSS Display CSS Property Experimental Graphics Layout NeedsExample Reference Web


The display-list CSS property specifies whether a list marker should be displayed for an element.
CSS CSS Display CSS Property Experimental Graphics Layout NeedsExample Reference Web


The display-outside CSS property specifies the outer display type of the box generated by an element, dictating how the element participates in its parent formatting context.
CSS CSS Display CSS Property Experimental Graphics Layout NeedsExample Reference Web