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ECMAScript 6 support in Mozilla

ECMAScript 2015 (6th Edition) is the current version of the ECMAScript Language Specification standard. Commonly referred to as "ES6", it defines the standard for the JavaScript implementation in SpiderMonkey, the engine used in Firefox and other Mozilla applications.
ECMAScript2015 ECMAScript6 Firefox JavaScript


The get syntax binds an object property to a function that will be called when that property is looked up.
ECMAScript5 ECMAScript6 Functions JavaScript


The find() method returns a value in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function. Otherwise undefined is returned.
Array ECMAScript 2015 ECMAScript6 JavaScript Method polyfill Prototype


The bind() method creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value, with a given sequence of arguments preceding any provided when the new function is called.
ECMAScript5 ECMAScript6 Function JavaScript Method polyfill


The Promise object is used for asynchronous computations. A Promise represents a value which may be available now, or in the future, or never.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Promise

ECMAScript 5 support in Mozilla

ECMAScript 5.1, an older version of the standard upon which JavaScript is based, was approved in June 2011.
ECMAScript5 JavaScript Versions


The constructor method is a special method for creating and initializing an object created with a class.
Classes ECMAScript6 JavaScript


The extends keyword is used in a class declarations or class expressions to create a class with a child of another class.
Classes ECMAScript6 JavaScript


The static keyword defines a static method for a class.
Classes ECMAScript6 JavaScript

Default parameters

Default function parameters allow formal parameters to be initialized with default values if no value or undefined is passed.
ECMAScript6 Functions JavaScript


The set syntax binds an object property to a function to be called when there is an attempt to set that property.
ECMAScript5 Functions JavaScript

The property returns the name of the function.
ECMAScript6 Function JavaScript Property


The Map object is a simple key/value map. Any value (both objects and primitive values) may be used as either a key or a value.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Map

get Map[@@species]

The Map[@@species] accessor property returns the Map constructor.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Map Property


The Map.prototype property represents the prototype for the Map constructor.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Map Property


The size accessor property returns the number of elements in a Map object.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Map Property


The Number.EPSILON property represents the difference between one and the smallest value greater than one that can be represented as a Number.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Number Property


The Number.isNaN() method determines whether the passed value is NaN. It is a more robust version of the original, global isNaN().
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Method Number


The Number.isSafeInteger() method determines whether the provided value is a number that is a safe integer. A safe integer is an integer that
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Method Number


The Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER constant represents the maximum safe integer in JavaScript (253 - 1).
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Number Property