The Gamepad interface of the Gamepad API defines an individual gamepad or other controller, allowing access to information such as button presses, axis positions, and id.
The GamepadEvent interface of the Gamepad API contains references to gamepads connected to the system, which is what the gamepad events Window.gamepadconnected and Window.gamepaddisconnected are fired in response to.
The Gamepad.axes property of the Gamepad interface returns an array representing the controls with axes present on the device (e.g. analog thumb sticks).-
The Gamepad.index property of the Gamepad interface returns an integer that is auto-incremented to be unique for each device currently connected to the system.
The Gamepad.mapping property of the Gamepad interface returns a string indicating whether the browser has remapped the controls on the device to a known layout.
The Gamepad.timestamp property of the Gamepad interface returns a DOMHighResTimeStamp representing the last time the data for this gamepad was updated.
The GamepadButton interface defines an individual button of a gamepad or other controller, allowing access to the current state of different types of buttons available on the control device.
The GamepadButton.pressed property of the GamepadButton interface returns a boolean indicating whether the button is currently pressed (true) or unpressed (false).
The GamepadButton.value property of the GamepadButton interface returns a double value used to represent the current state of analog buttons on many modern gamepads, such as the triggers.