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The addSourceBuffer() method of the MediaSource interface creates a new SourceBuffer of the given MIME type and adds it to the MediaSource's SourceBuffers list.
addSourceBuffer API Audio Experimental Media Source Extensions MediaSource Method MSE Reference Video


The duration property of the MediaSource interface gets and sets the duration of the current media being presented.
API Audio duration Experimental Media Source Extensions MediaSource MSE Property Reference Video


The endOfStream() method of the MediaSource interface signals the end of the stream.
API Audio endOfStream Experimental Media Source Extensions MediaSource Method MSE Reference Video


The isTypeSupported() method of the MediaSource interface returns a Boolean value indicating if the given MIME type is supported by the current user agent — this is, if it can successfully create SourceBuffer objects for that MIME type.
API Audio Experimental isTypeSupported Media Source Extensions MediaSource Method MSE Reference Video


The MediaSource() constructor of the MediaSource interface constructs and returns a new MediaSource object with no associated source buffers.
API Audio Constructor Experimental Media Source Extensions MediaSource MSE Reference Video


The readyState read-only property of the MediaSource interface returns an enum representing the state of the current MediaSource. The three possible values are:
API Audio Experimental Media Source Extensions MediaSource MSE Property readyState Reference Video


The removeSourceBuffer() method of the MediaSource interface removes the given SourceBuffer from the SourceBuffers list associated with this MediaSource object.
API Audio Experimental Media Source Extensions MediaSource Method MSE Reference removeSourceBuffer Video


The sourceBuffers read-only property of the MediaSource interface returns a SourceBufferList object containing the list of SourceBuffer objects associated with this MediaSource.
API Audio Experimental Media Source Extensions MediaSource MSE Property Reference sourceBuffers Video


The abort() method of the SourceBuffer interface aborts the current segment and resets the segment parser.
abort API Audio Experimental Media Source Extensions Method MSE Reference SourceBuffer Video


The appendBuffer() method of the SourceBuffer interface appends media segment data from an ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView object to the SourceBuffer.
API appendBuffer Audio Experimental Media Source Extensions Method MSE Reference SourceBuffer Video


The appendStream() method of the SourceBuffer interface appends media segment data from a ReadableStream object to the SourceBuffer.
API appendstream Audio Experimental Media Source Extensions Method MSE Reference SourceBuffer Video


The appendWindowEnd property of the SourceBuffer interface controls the timestamp for the end of the append window, a timestamp range that can be used to filter what media data is appended to the SourceBuffer. Coded media frames with timestamps wthin this range will be appended, whereas those outside the range will be filtered out.
API appendWindowEnd Audio audio Experimental Media Source Extensions MSE Property Reference SourceBuffer video Video


The appendWindowStart property of the SourceBuffer interface controls the timestamp for the start of the append window, a timestamp range that can be used to filter what media data is appended to the SourceBuffer. Coded media frames with timestamps wthin this range will be appended, whereas those outside the range will be filtered out.
API appendWindowStart Audio Experimental Media Source Extensions MSE Property Reference SourceBuffer Video


The audioTracks read-only property of the SourceBuffer interface returns a list of the audio tracks currently contained inside the SourceBuffer.
API Audio audiotracks Experimental Media Source Extensions MSE Property Reference SourceBuffer


The buffered read-only property of the SourceBuffer interface returns the time ranges that are currently buffered in the SourceBuffer.
API Audio buffered Experimental Media Source Extensions MSE Property Reference SourceBuffer Video