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A PannerNode always has exactly one input and one output: the input can be mono or stereo but the output is always stereo (2 channels); you can't have panning effects without at least two audio channels!
API Interface PannerNode Reference Web Audio API


An AudioParam whose value is the X component of the direction in which the audio source is facing, in 3D Cartesian coordinate space.
orientationX PannerNode Property Reference Web Audio API

Web audio spatialization basics

The easiest use case to imagine for this capability is realistic alterations in how an audio source will sound as you move around it in a 3D environment like a first-person game.
Guide PannerNode panning Web Audio API


An AudioParam whose value is the Y component of the direction the audio source is facing, in 3D Cartesian coordinate space.
API orientationY PannerNode Property Reference Web Audio API


An AudioParam whose value is the X coordinate of the audio source's position, in 3D Cartesian coordinates.
API PannerNode positionX Property Reference Web Audio API


An AudioParam whose value is the Y coordinate of the audio source's position, in 3D Cartesian coordinates.
API PannerNode positionY Property Reference Web Audio API


An AudioParam whose value is the Z coordinate of the audio source's position, in 3D Cartesian coordinates.
API PannerNode positionZ Property Reference Web Audio API