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The ServiceWorkerGlobalScope interface of the ServiceWorker API represents the global execution context of a service worker.
API Draft Interface Offline offline Reference Service Workers ServiceWorkerGlobalScope Workers


The onactivate property of the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope interface is an event handler fired whenever an activate event occurs (when the service worker activates). This happens after installation, when the page to be controlled by the service worker refreshes.
API onactivate Property Reference Service ServiceWorker ServiceWorkerGlobalScope Workers


The onfetch property of the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope interface is an event handler fired whenever a fetch event occurs (usually when the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.fetch method is called.)
API onfetch Property Reference Service ServiceWorker ServiceWorkerGlobalScope Workers


The ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onmessage event of the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope interface is called whenever incoming messages are received.
API onMessage onmessage Property Reference Service ServiceWorker ServiceWorkerGlobalScope Workers


The ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onpush event of the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope interface is fired whenever a push message is received by a service worker via a push server.
API onpush Property Push Reference Service Workers ServiceWorker ServiceWorkerGlobalScope


The ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onpushsubscriptionchange event of the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope interface is fired whenever a push subscription has been invalidated (or is about to become so). This offers an opportunity to resubscribe in order to continue receiving push messages, if desired. This might happen if, for example, the push service sets an expiration time a subscription.
API NeedsExample onpushsubscriptionchange Property Push Reference Service Workers ServiceWorkerGlobalScope