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The window object represents a window containing a DOM document; the document property points to the DOM document loaded in that window. A window for a given document can be obtained using the document.defaultView property.
API DOM Interface JavaScript Reference Window


The Window.close() method closes the current window, or the window on which it was called.
API DOM Gecko Method Reference Référence Window


Returns a Selection object representing the range of text selected by the user or the current position of the caret.
API DOM Method NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference Window


Height (in pixels) of the browser window viewport including, if rendered, the horizontal scrollbar.
API CSSOM View NeedsMarkupWork Property Reference Window


The Window.location read-only property returns a Location object with information about the current location of the document.
API HTML NeedsExample Property Reference Window

Loads a resource into either a new browsing context (such as a window) or one that already exists, depending on the specified parameters.
API DOM Method NeedsCompatTable NeedsMarkupWork NeedsUpdate Window


This method is currently not working, but you can use:
API DOM Method NeedsContent Reference Référence Window


Scrolls the document by the given number of lines.
API DOM DOM_0 Method Non-standard Window


The Window.showModalDialog() creates and displays a modal dialog box containing a specified HTML document.
API Deprecated DOM Method NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsCompatTable Window


The Window.sizeToContent() method sizes the window according to its content. In order for it to work, the DOM content should be loaded when this function is called, for example once the DOMContentLoaded event has been thrown.
API HTML DOM Method Reference Référence Window


The WindowEventHandlers.onbeforeunload event handler property contains the code executed when the beforeunload is sent. This event fires when a window is about to unload its resources. The document is still visible and the event is still cancelable.
API DOM Event Handler Property Reference Window


An event handler for the popstate event on the window.
API DOM events Events HTML5 Property Window


An event handler for abort events sent to the window. (Not available with Firefox 2 or Safari)
API NeedsContent NeedsHelp NeedsUpdate Property Reference Référence Window


The Window.alert() method displays an alert dialog with the optional specified content and an OK button.
alert API DOM Method NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsCompatTable NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference Référence Window


Returns a reference to the application cache object for the window.
API HTML DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Window