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The SharedWorkerGlobalScope object (the SharedWorker global scope) is accessible through the self keyword. Some additional global functions, namespaces objects, and constructors, not typically associated with the worker global scope, but available on it, are listed in the JavaScript Reference. See the complete list of functions available to workers.
API Interface Reference SharedWorkerGlobalScope Web Workers

The name read-only property of the SharedWorkerGlobalScope interface returns the name that the SharedWorker was (optionally) given when it was created. This is the name that the SharedWorker() constructor can pass to get a reference to the SharedWorkerGlobalScope.
API name Property Reference Référence SharedWorkerGlobalScope Web Workers


The onconnect property of the SharedWorkerGlobalScope interface is an EventHandler representing the code to be called when the connect event is raised — that is, when a MessagePort connection is opened between the associated SharedWorker and the main thread.
API onconnect Property Reference Référence SharedWorkerGlobalScope Web Workers