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The border-spacing CSS property specifies the distance between the borders of adjacent table cells (only for the separated borders model). This is equivalent to the cellspacing attribute in presentational HTML, but an optional second value can be used to set different horizontal and vertical spacing.
CSS CSS Property CSS Tables Reference


The caption-side CSS property positions the content of a table's <caption> on the specified side.
CSS CSS Property CSS Tables Reference


The empty-cells CSS property specifies how user agents should render borders and backgrounds around cells that have no visible content.
CSS CSS Property CSS Tables NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The border-collapse CSS property determines whether a table's borders are separated or collapsed. In the separated model, adjacent cells each have their own distinct borders. In the collapsed model, adjacent table cells share borders.
CSS CSS Borders CSS Property CSS Tables Reference


The table-layout CSS property defines the algorithm to be used to layout the table cells, rows, and columns.
CSS CSS Property CSS Tables NeedsLiveSample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The HTML <caption> Element (or HTML Table Caption Element) represents the title of a table. Though it is always the first descendant of a <table>, its styling, using CSS, may place it elsewhere, relative to the table.
Element HTML HTML tabular data Reference Tables Web


The HTML Table Column Element (<col>) defines a column within a table and is used for defining common semantics on all common cells. It is generally found within a <colgroup> element.
Element HTML HTML tabular data Reference Tables Web


The HTML Table Column Group Element (<colgroup>) defines a group of columns within a table.
Element HTML HTML tabular data Reference Tables Web


The HTML Table Element (<table>) represents tabular data - i.e., information expressed via a two dimensional data table.
CSS Element HTML HTML tabular data Reference Tables Web


The HTML Table Body Element (<tbody>) defines one or more <tr> element data-rows to be the body of its parent <table> element (as long as no <tr> elements are immediate children of that table element.)  In conjunction with a preceding <thead> and/or <tfoot> element, <tbody> provides additional semantic information for devices such as printers and displays. Of the parent table's child elements, <tbody> represents the content which, when longer than a page, will most likely differ for each page printed; while the content of <thead> and <tfoot> will be the same or similar for each page printed. For displays, <tbody> will enable separate scrolling of the <thead>, <tfoot>, and <caption> elements of the same parent <table> element.  Note that unlike the <thead>, <tfoot>, and <caption> elements however, multiple <tbody> elements are permitted (if consecutive), allowing the data-rows in long tables to be divided into different sections, each separately formatted as needed.
Element HTML HTML tabular data Reference Tables Web


The Table cell HTML element (<td>) defines a cell of a table that contains data. It participates in the table model.
Element Élément HTML HTML tabular data Reference Référence Tables Web


The HTML Table Foot Element (<tfoot>) defines a set of rows summarizing the columns of the table.
Element HTML HTML tabular data Reference Tables Web


The HTML element table header cell <th> defines a cell as header of a group of table cells. The exact nature of this group is defined by the scope and headers attributes.
Element HTML HTML tabular data Reference Tables Web


The HTML Table Head Element (<thead>) defines a set of rows defining the head of the columns of the table.
Element Élément HTML HTML tabular data Reference Référence Tables Web


The HTML element table row <tr> defines a row of cells in a table. Those can be a mix of <td> and <th> elements.
Element HTML HTML tabular data Reference Tables Web