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The border-collapse CSS property determines whether a table's borders are separated or collapsed. In the separated model, adjacent cells each have their own distinct borders. In the collapsed model, adjacent table cells share borders.
CSS CSS Borders CSS Property CSS Tables Reference


See Flexbox for more information on what you should be using instead of this property.
CSS CSS Property CSS Reference NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Non-standard


The box-shadow property describes one or more shadow effects as a comma-separated list. It enables you to cast a drop shadow from the frame of almost any element. If a border-radius is specified on the element with a box shadow, the box shadow takes on the same rounded corners. The z-ordering of multiple box shadows is the same as multiple text shadows (the first specified shadow is on top).
CSS CSS Background CSS Property CSS3 css3-background Reference


The column-count CSS property describes the number of columns of the element.
CSS CSS Multi-columns CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The column-fill CSS property controls how contents are partitioned into columns. Contents are either balanced, which means that contents in all columns will have the same height or, when using auto, just take up the room the content needs.
CSS CSS Multi-columns CSS Property NeedsBrowserCompatibility Reference


The column-gap CSS property sets the size of the gap between columns for elements which are specified to be displayed as multi-column elements.
CSS CSS Multi-columns CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


In multi-column layouts, the column-rule CSS property specifies a straight line, or "rule", to be drawn between each column. It is a convenient shorthand to avoid setting each of the individual column-rule-* properties separately : column-rule-width, column-rule-style and column-rule-color.
CSS CSS Multi-columns CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The column-rule-color CSS property lets you set the color of the "rule" or line drawn between columns in multi-column layouts.
CSS CSS Multi-columns CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference