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The column-rule-style CSS property lets you set the style of the rule drawn between columns in multi-column layouts.
CSS CSS Multi-columns CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The column-rule-width CSS property lets you set the width of the rule drawn between columns in multi-column layouts.
CSS CSS Multi-columns CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The contain property allows an author to indicate that an element and its contents are, as much as possible, independent of the rest of the document tree. This allows the browser to recalculate layout, style, paint, size, or any combination of them for a limited area of the DOM and not the entire page. This property is useful on pages that contain a lot of widgets that are all independent as it can be used to prevent one widget's CSS rules from changing other things on the page.
CSS CSS Property Layout Paint Reference size Style Web


The filter property provides graphical effects like blurring, sharpening, or color shifting an element. Filters are commonly used to adjust the rendering of images, backgrounds, and borders.
CSS CSS Property filter Reference SVG SVG Filter


The flex-basis CSS property specifies the flex basis which is the initial main size of a flex item. This property determines the size of the content-box unless specified otherwise using box-sizing.
CSS CSS Flexible Boxes CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The flex-grow CSS property specifies the flex grow factor of a flex item. It specifies what amount of space inside the flex container the item should take up.
CSS CSS Flexible Boxes CSS Property NeedsContent Reference


The flex-shrink CSS property specifies the flex shrink factor of a flex item.
CSS CSS Flexible Boxes CSS Property NeedsContent Reference


The font-style CSS property lets you select italic or oblique faces within a font-family. Italic forms are generally cursive in nature, usually using less horizontal space than their unstyled counterparts, while oblique faces are usually just sloped versions of the regular face. Both italic and oblique faces are simulated by artificially sloping the glyphs of the regular face (see font-synthesis for control over this).
CSS CSS Fonts CSS Property font Reference Web


The font-variant-ligatures CSS property controls which ligatures and contextual forms are used in textual content of the elements it applies to. This leads to more harmonized forms in the resulting text.
CSS CSS Fonts CSS Property CSS Reference NeedsLiveSample Reference


The image-rendering CSS property provides a hint to the browser about the algorithm it should use to scale images. It applies to the element itself as well as any images supplied in other properties for the element. It has no effect on non-scaled images.
CSS CSS Image CSS Property Experimental NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference SVG


The initial-letter CSS property specifies styling for dropped, raised, and sunken initial letters.
CSS CSS Property Experimental Graphics Layout Reference Web


The letter-spacing CSS property specifies spacing behavior between text characters.
CSS CSS Property CSS Text NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference SVG


The line-break CSS property is used to specify how (or if) to break lines.
CSS CSS Property CSS Text NeedsExample Property Reference


The mask-composite CSS property represents a compositing operation used on the current mask layer with the mask layers below it.
CSS CSS Masks CSS Property NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Non-standard Reference


The mask-image CSS property sets the image that is used as mask layer for an element.
CSS CSS Masks CSS Property Experimental NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference