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Indicates whether or not the document is a synthetic one; that is, a document representing a standalone image, video, audio, or the like.
API DOM Property Reference Référence


Fired when a static <script> element  finishes executing its script. Does not fire if the element is added dynamically, eg with appendChild().
API DOM Property Reference Référence

The method opens a document for writing.
API DOM Method Reference Référence


The Document.queryCommandSupported() method reports whether or not the specified editor command is supported by the browser.
API DOM editor Method Reference


Returns a list of the elements within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that match the specified group of selectors. The object returned is a NodeList.
API Document DOM Method Selectors


Releases mouse capture if it's currently enabled on an element within this document. Enabling mouse capture on an element is done by calling element.setCapture().
API DOM Method Reference Référence


Returns the node which is the target of the current tooltip.
API DOM Property Reference Référence


Writes a string of text to a document stream opened by
API DOM Method Reference Référence


Writes a string of text followed by a newline character to a document.
API DOM Method Reference Référence


The done property indicate if the DOMCursor has reached the last result.
API DOM NeedsBrowserCompatibility Property Reference


The DOMImplementation interface represent an object providing methods which are not dependent on any particular document. Such an object is returned by the Document.implementation property.
API DOM Interface Reference Référence


The DOMTimeStamp type represents an absolute or relative number of milliseconds, depending on the specification in which it appears.
API DOM Interface Reference Référence


The DOMTokenList interface represents a set of space-separated tokens. Such a set is returned by Element.classList, HTMLLinkElement.relList, HTMLAnchorElement.relList or HTMLAreaElement.relList. It is indexed beginning with 0 as with JavaScript Array objects. DOMTokenList is always case-sensitive.
API DOM Interface NeedsBrowserCompatibility Reference


Returns the Attr node for the attribute with the given namespace and name.
API DOM Method Reference Référence


getAttributeNS returns the string value of the attribute with the specified namespace and name. If the named attribute does not exist, the value returned will either be null or "" (the empty string); see Notes for details.
API DOM Gecko Method Reference


The Element.getElementsByTagNameNS() method returns a live HTMLCollection of elements with the given tag name belonging to the given namespace. It is similar to Document.getElementsByTagNameNS, except that its search is restricted to descendants of the specified element.
API DOM Element Method Reference