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The Node.isSameNode() method tests whether two nodes are the same, that is if they reference the same object.
API DOM Method Node Reference


Returns a node from a NodeList by index. This method doesn't throw exceptions as long as you provide arguments; a value of null is returned if the index is out of range and a TypeError is thrown if no argument is provided.
API DOM Method NodeList Reference


The requestPermission() method of the Notification interface requests permission from the user for the current origin to display notifications.
API DOM Method Notifications Reference


The clearMarks() method removes the named mark from the browser's performance entry buffer. If the method is called with no arguments, all performance entries with an entry type of "mark" will be removed from the performance entry buffer.
API Method Reference Web Performance


The clearMeasures() method removes the named measure from the browser's performance entry buffer. If the method is called with no arguments, all performance entries with an entry type of "measure" will be removed from the performance entry buffer.
API Method Reference Web Performance


The clearResourceTimings() method removes all performance entries with an entryType of "resource" from the browser's performance data buffer and sets the size of the performance data buffer to zero. To set the size of the browser's performance data buffer, use the Performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize() method.
API Method Reference Web Performance


The getEntries() method returns a list of PerformanceEntry objects for a given filter. The list's members (entries) can be created by making performance marks or measures (for example by calling the mark() method) at explicit points in time.
API Method Reference Web Performance


The getEntriesByName() method returns a list of PerformanceEntry objects for the given name and type. The list's members (entries) can be created by making performance marks or measures (for example by calling the mark() method) at explicit points in time.
API Method Reference Web Performance


The getEntriesByType() method returns a list of PerformanceEntry objects for a given type. The list's members (entries) can be created by making performance marks or measures (for example by calling the mark() method) at explicit points in time.
API Method Reference Web Performance


The mark() method creates a timestamp in the browser's performance entry buffer with the given name. The application defined timestamp can be retrieved by one of the Performance interface's getEntries*() methods (getEntries(), getEntriesByName() or getEntriesByType()).
API Method Reference Web Performance


The measure() method creates a named timestamp in the browser's performance entry buffer between two specified marks (known as the start mark and end mark, respectively). The named timestamp is referred to as a measure.
API Method Reference Web Performance


The setResourceTimingBufferSize() method sets the browser's resource timing buffer size to the specified number of "resource" performance entry type objects.
API Method Reference Web Performance


The toJSON() method of the Performance interface is a standard serializer: it returns a JSON representation of the performance object's properties.
API Method Performance performance Reference


The toJSON() method is a serializer; it returns a JSON representation of the performance entry object.
API Method Reference Web Performance


The toJSON() method is a serializer - it returns a JSON representation of the PerformanceNavigationTiming object.
API Method Reference Web Performance


The toJSON() method is a serializer that returns a JSON representation of the PerformanceResourceTiming object.
API Method Reference Web Performance


The PushManager.hasPermission() method of the PushManager interface returns a Promise that resolves to the PushPermissionStatus of the requesting webapp, which will be one of granted, denied, or default.
API Deprecated Method PushManager Reference


The RandomSource.getRandomValues() method lets you get cryptographically random values. The array given as the parameter is filled with random numbers (random in its cryptographic meaning).
API Cryptography Method Reference Référence


The Range.toString() method is a stringifier returning the text of the Range.
API DOM Method Range Stringifier