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If the current context is a worker, the workerStart property returns a timestamp immediately before the worker that fetches the resource is started. If the context is not a worker (i.e. a browser context), this property returns zero.
API Property Reference Web Performance


The Position.coords read-only property, a Coordinates object, represents a geographic attitude: it contains the location, that is longitude and latitude on the Earth, the altitude, and the speed of the object concerned, regrouped inside the returned value. It also contains accuracy information about these values.
API Geolocation API Position Property


The Position.timestamp read-only property, a DOMTimeStamp object, represents the date and the time of the creation of the Position object it belongs to. The precision is to the millisecond.
API Geolocation API Position Property


The PositionError.code read-only property is an unsigned short representing the error code. The following values are possible:
API Geolocation API PositionError Property


The PositionError.message read-only property returns a human-readable DOMString describing the details of the error.
API Geolocation API PositionError Property


The ProgressEvent.lengthComputable read-only property is a Boolean flag indicating if the resource concerned by the ProgressEvent has a length that can be calculated. If not, the property has no significant value.
API Progress Events ProgressEvent Property


The ProgressEvent.loaded read-only property is an unsigned long long representing the amount of work already performed by the underlying process. The ratio of work done can be calculated with the property and When downloading a resource using HTTP, this only represent the part of the content itself, not headers and other overhead.
API Progress Event ProgressEvent Property


This Boolean attribute controls the device's screen. Setting it to false will turn off the screen.
API DOM Property Reference Référence


Returns the location of the stylesheet.
API CSSOM Property Reference Référence


ownerNode returns the node that associates this style sheet with the document.
API CSSOM Property Reference Référence


Returns the stylesheet that is including this one, if any.
API CSSOM Property Reference Référence


title returns the advisory title of the current style sheet.
API CSSOM Property Reference Référence


type specifies the style sheet language for this style sheet.
API CSSOM Property Reference Référence

The read-only property of SVGAElement returns an SVGAnimatedString object that specifies the portion of a target window, frame, pane into which a document is to be opened when a link is activated.
API Property Reference SVG target


Returns the X coordinate of the touch point relative to the screen, not including any scroll offset.
API DOM Mobile Property touch


Returns the Y coordinate of the touch point relative to the screen, not including any scroll offset.
API DOM Mobile Property touch