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The WebGL2RenderingContext.clientWaitSync() method of the WebGL 2 API blocks and waits for a WebGLSync object to become signaled or a given timeout to be passed.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.compressedTexImage3D() method of the WebGL API specifies a three-dimensional texture image in a compressed format.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.compressedTexSubImage3D() method of the WebGL API specifies a three-dimensional sub-rectangle for a texture image in a compressed format.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.copyBufferSubData() method of the WebGL 2 API copies part of the data of a buffer to another buffer.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.copyTexSubImage3D() method of the WebGL API copies pixels from the current WebGLFramebuffer into an existing 3D texture sub-image.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.createQuery() method of the WebGL 2 API creates and initializes WebGLQuery objects, which provide ways to asynchronously query for information.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.createSampler() method of the WebGL 2 API creates and initializes WebGLSampler objects.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.createTransformFeedback() method of the WebGL 2 API creates and initializes WebGLTransformFeedback objects.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.createVertexArray() method of the WebGL 2 API creates and initializes a WebGLVertexArrayObject object that represents a vertex array object (VAO) pointing to vertex array data and which provides names for different sets of vertex data.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.deleteQuery() method of the WebGL 2 API deletes a given WebGLQuery object.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.deleteSampler() method of the WebGL 2 API deletes a given WebGLSampler object.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.deleteSync() method of the WebGL 2 API deletes a given WebGLSync object.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.deleteTransformFeedback() method of the WebGL 2 API deletes a given WebGLTransformFeedback object.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.deleteVertexArray() method of the WebGL 2 API deletes a given WebGLVertexArrayObject object.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.drawArraysInstanced() method of the WebGL 2 API renders primitives from array data like the gl.drawArrays() method. In addition, it can execute multiple instances of the range of elements.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.drawBuffers() method of the WebGL 2 API defines draw buffers to which fragment colors are written into. The draw buffer settings are part of the state of the currently bound framebuffer or the drawingbuffer if no framebuffer is bound.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.drawElementsInstanced() method of the WebGL 2 API renders primitives from array data like the gl.drawElements() method. In addition, it can execute multiple instances of a set of elements.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.drawRangeElements() method of the WebGL API renders primitives from array data in a given range.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.endQuery() method of the WebGL 2 API marks the end of a given query target.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.endTransformFeedback() method of the WebGL 2 API ends a transform feedback operation.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2