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Writing WebSocket servers

A WebSocket server is a TCP application listening on any port of a server that follows a specific protocol, simple as that. The task of creating a custom server tends to scare people; however, it can be easy to implement a simple WebSocket server on your platform of choice.
Guide HTML5 NeedsContent NeedsExample Tutorial WebSocket WebSockets


The Window.location read-only property returns a Location object with information about the current location of the document.
API HTML NeedsExample Property Reference Window


The Window.sizeToContent() method sizes the window according to its content. In order for it to work, the DOM content should be loaded when this function is called, for example once the DOMContentLoaded event has been thrown.
API HTML DOM Method Reference Référence Window


WindowEventHandlers mixin describes the event handlers common to several interfaces like Window, or HTMLBodyElement and  HTMLFrameSetElement. Each of these interfaces can implement additional specific event handlers.
API HTML-DOM Interface Reference Référence


The hashchange event fires when a window's hash changes (see location.hash).
HTML-DOM Property Reference Référence WindowEventHandlers


An event handler for the popstate event on the window.
API DOM events Events HTML5 Property Window


Cancels a timeout previously established by calling setTimeout().
API clearTimeout HTML DOM Method Reference WindowTimers

CORS enabled image

The HTML specification introduces a crossorigin attribute for images that, in combination with an appropriate CORS header, allows images defined by the <img> element loaded from foreign origins to be used in canvas as if they were being loaded from the current origin.
Advanced Canvas CORS HTML Reference Référence Security

CORS settings attributes

In HTML5, some HTML elements which provide support for CORS, such as <img> or <video>, have a crossorigin attribute (crossOrigin property), which lets you configure the CORS requests for the element's fetched data. These attributes are enumerated, and have the following possible values:
Advanced CORS HTML NeedsContent NeedsExample Reference Security


The HTML Applet Element (<applet>) identifies the inclusion of a Java applet.
Element Élément HTML Obsolete Reference Référence Web


The HTML <area> element defines a hot-spot region on an image, and optionally associates it with a hypertext link. This element is used only within a <map> element.
Content Element embedded HTML Multimedia Reference Web


The HTML basefont element (<basefont>) establishes a default font size for a document. Font size then can be varied relative to the base font size using the <font> element.
Element Élément HTML Obsolete Reference Web


The HTML Big Element (<big>) makes the text font size one size bigger (for example, from small to medium, or from large to x-large) up to the browser's maximum font size.
Element Élément HTML Obsolete Reference Référence Web


The HTML Blink Element (<blink>) is a non-standard element causing the enclosed text to flash slowly.
Deprecated Element HTML Obsolete Reference Web


The HTML <body> Element represents the content of an HTML document. There can be only one <body> element in a document.
Element HTML Reference Sections sections Web


The HTML Center Element (<center>) is a block-level element that can contain paragraphs and other block-level and inline elements. The entire content of this element is centered horizontally within its containing element (typically, the <body>).
Element Élément HTML Obsolete Reference Référence Web


The HTML directory element (<dir>) represents a directory, namely a collection of filenames.
Element Élément HTML Obsolete Reference Référence Web


The HTML <element> element is used to define new custom DOM elements.
Element HTML NeedsContent Reference Web Web Components