Results 361 - 380 of 1,243


Creates a copy of a node from an external document that can be inserted into the current document.
API Document DOM Method Node Reference Référence


Returns the last enabled style sheet set; this property's value changes whenever the document.selectedStyleSheetSet property is changed.
API CSSOM DOM Property Reference Référence Stylesheets


The links property returns a collection of all <area> elements and <a> elements in a document with a value for the href attribute.
API Document HTML DOM Property Reference Référence


Fired when the code in a <script> element declared in an HTML document is about to start executing. Does not fire if the element is added dynamically, eg with appendChild().
API DOM element.onbeforescriptexecute Property Reference Référence


This event handler is called when an offline is fired on body and bubbles up, when navigator.onLine property changes and becomes false.
API DOM NeedsContent Property Reference Référence


"online" event is fired on the <body> of each page when the browser switches between online and offline mode. Additionally, the events bubble up from document.body, to document, ending at window. Both events are non-cancellable (you can't prevent the user from coming online, or going offline).
API Document DOM Property Reference Référence


The pointerLockElement property provides the element set as the target for mouse events while the pointer is locked. It is null if lock is pending, pointer is unlocked, or the target is in another document.
API DOM mouse lock Property Reference Référence


Returns the first element within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes|by first element in document markup and iterating through sequential nodes by order of amount of child nodes) that matches the specified group of selectors.
API DOM Method Reference Référence Selectors


Indicates the name of the style sheet set that's currently in use.
API CSSOM DOM Property Reference Référence Stylesheets


Returns a live list of all of the currently-available style sheet sets.
API CSSOM DOM Property Reference Référence Stylesheets