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In combination with elevation, azimuth enables different audio sources to be positioned spatially for aural presentation. This is important in that it provides a natural way to tell several voices apart, as each can be positioned to originate at a different location on the sound stage. Stereo output produce a lateral sound stage, while binaural headphones and multi-speaker setups allow for a fully three-dimensional stage.
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The background-clip CSS property specifies whether an element's background, either the color or image, extends underneath its border.
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The CSS background-image property sets one or several background images for an element. The images are drawn on stacking context layers on top of each other. The first layer specified is drawn as if it is closest to the user.
CSS CSS Background CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The background-origin CSS property determines the background positioning area, that is the position of the origin of an image specified using the background-image CSS property.
CSS CSS Background CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The background-position CSS property sets the initial position for each defined background image, relative to the background position layer defined by background-origin.
CSS CSS Background CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The background-repeat CSS property defines how background images are repeated. A background image can be repeated along the horizontal axis, the vertical axis, both axes, or not repeated at all.
CSS CSS Background CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The background-size CSS property specifies the size of the background images. The size of the image can be fully constrained or only partially in order to preserve its intrinsic ratio.
CSS CSS Background CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The border-bottom-left-radius CSS property sets the rounding of the bottom-left corner of the element. The rounding can be a circle or an ellipse, or if one of the value is 0 no rounding is done and the corner is square.
CSS CSS Borders CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The border-bottom-right-radius CSS property sets the rounding of the bottom-right corner of the element. The rounding can be a circle or an ellipse, or if one of the value is 0 no rounding is done and the corner is square.
CSS CSS Borders CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The border-image-repeat CSS property defines how the middle part of a border image is handled so that it can match the size of the border. It has a one-value syntax that describes the behavior of all the sides, and a two-value syntax that sets a different value for the horizontal and vertical behavior.
CSS CSS Borders CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The border-radius CSS property allows Web authors to define how rounded border corners are. The curve of each corner is defined using one or two radii, defining its shape: circle or ellipse.
CSS CSS Borders CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The border-top-left-radius CSS property sets the rounding of the top-left corner of the element. The rounding can be a circle or an ellipse, or if one of the value is 0,no rounding is done and the corner is square.
CSS CSS Borders CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The border-top-right-radius CSS property sets the rounding of the top-right corner of the element. The rounding can be a circle or an ellipse, or if one of the value is 0 no rounding is done and the corner is square.
CSS CSS Borders CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference

Child selectors

The > combinator separates two selectors and matches only those elements matched by the second selector that are direct children of elements matched by the first. By contrast, when two selectors are combined with the descendant selector, the combined selector expression matches those elements matched by the second selector for which there exists an ancestor element matched by the first selector, regardless of the number of "hops" up the DOM.
Beginner beginner CSS CSS Reference NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Selectors


The clip CSS property defines what portion of an element is visible. The clip property applies only to absolutely positioned elements, that is elements with position:absolute or position:fixed.
CSS CSS Property Deprecated NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The counter-increment CSS property is used to increase the value of CSS Counters by a given value. The counter's value can be reset using the counter-reset CSS property.
CSS CSS List CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The counter-reset CSS property is used to reset CSS Counters to a given value.
CSS CSS List CSS Property NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The cursor CSS property specifies the mouse cursor displayed when the mouse pointer is over an element.
CSS CSS Property Cursor NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference