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The values() method returns a new Iterator object that contains the values for each element in the Map object in insertion order.
ECMAScript6 Iterator JavaScript Map Method Prototype


The initial value of the @@iterator property is the same function object as the initial value of the values property.
ECMAScript6 Iterator JavaScript Method Prototype Reference set


The entries() method returns a new Iterator object that contains an array of [value, value] for each element in the Set object, in insertion order. For Set objects there is no key like in Map objects. However, to keep the API similar to the Map object, each entry has the same value for its key and value here, so that an array [value, value] is returned.
ECMAScript6 Iterator JavaScript Method Prototype set


The values() method returns a new Iterator object that contains the values for each element in the Set object in insertion order.
ECMAScript6 Iterator JavaScript Method Prototype set


The StopIteration object is used to tell the end of the iteration in the legacy iterator protocol.
Deprecated JavaScript Legacy Iterator Reference StopIteration


The [@@iterator]() method returns a new Iterator object that iterates over the code points of a String value, returning each code point as a String value.
ECMAScript6 Iterator JavaScript Method Prototype Reference String


The initial value of the @@iterator property is the same function object as the initial value of the values property.
Iterator JavaScript Method Prototype Reference TypedArray TypedArrays


The values() method returns a new Array Iterator object that contains the values for each index in the array.
ECMAScript6 Iterator JavaScript Method Prototype TypedArray TypedArrays


The yield keyword is used to pause and resume a generator function (function* or legacy generator function).
ECMAScript6 Generators Iterator JavaScript Operator operator


The URLSearchParams.values() method returns an iterator allowing to go through all values contained in this object. The values are USVString objects.
API Experimental Iterator Method Reference URL API URLSearchParams


The entries() method returns a new Array Iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
ECMAScript6 Iterator JavaScript Method Prototype Reference TypedArray TypedArrays


The keys() method returns a new Array Iterator object that contains the keys for each index in the array.
ECMAScript6 Iterator JavaScript Method Prototype Reference TypedArray TypedArrays

function* expression

The function* keyword can be used to define a generator function inside an expression.
ECMAScript6 Function Iterator JavaScript operator Operator Primary Expression


The yield* expression is used to delegate to another generator or iterable object.
ECMAScript6 Generators Iterable Iterator JavaScript operator Operator Reference