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The :read-only CSS pseudo-class matches when an element is not writable by the user.
CSS CSS Pseudo-class Layout Reference Web


The :read-write CSS pseudo-class matches when an element is editable by user like text input elements.
CSS CSS Pseudo-class Layout Reference Web


The :target pseudo-class represents the unique element, if any, with an id matching the fragment identifier of the URI of the document.
CSS CSS Pseudo-class Layout Reference Web


The @charset CSS at-rule specifies the character encoding used in the style sheet. It must be the first element in the style sheet and not be preceded by any character; as it is not a nested statement, it cannot be used inside conditional group at-rules. If several @charset at-rules are defined, only the first one is used, and it cannot be used inside a style attribute on an HTML element or inside the <style> element where the character set of the HTML page is relevant.
At-rule CSS Layout Reference Web


@namespace is an at-rule that defines XML namespaces to be used in a CSS style sheet. The defined namespaces can be used to restrict the universal, type, and attribute selectors to only select elements within that namespace. The @namespace rule is generally only useful when dealing with documents containing multiple namespaces—such as HTML5 with inline SVG or MathML, or XML that mixes multiple vocabularies.
At-rule CSS Layout Reference Web


The @page CSS at-rule is used to modify some CSS properties when printing a document. You can't change all CSS properties with @page. You can only change the margins, orphans, widows, and page breaks of the document. Attempts to change any other CSS properties will be ignored.
At-rule CSS Layout NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference Web


The attr() CSS function is used to retrieve the value of an attribute of the selected element and use it in the style sheet. It can be used on pseudo-elements too and, in this case, the value of the attribute on the pseudo-element's originated element is returned.
CSS CSS Function Layout Reference Web


The calc() CSS function can be used anywhere a <length>, <frequency>, <angle>, <time>, <number>, or <integer> is required. With calc(), you can perform calculations to determine CSS property values.
CSS CSS Function Layout Reference Web


The color property sets the foreground color of an element's text content, and its decorations. It doesn't affect any other characteristic of the element; it should really be called text-color and would have been named so, save for historical reasons and its appearance in CSS Level 1.
CSS CSS Property Layout Reference Web


The <custom-ident> CSS data value denotes an arbitrary user-defined string used as an identifier. It is case-sensitive and in each context, several values are excluded to prevent misinterpretations.
CSS CSS Data Type Layout Reference Web


The initial CSS keyword applies the initial value of a property to an element. It is allowed on every CSS property and causes the element for which it is specified to use the initial value of the property.
CSS CSS Cascade Layout Reference Web


The <integer> CSS data type denotes an integer number, positive or negative. There isn't any associated unit with the value. An integer consists of one or several decimal digits, 0 to 9, optionally preceded by one single + or - sign.
CSS CSS Data Type Layout Reference Web


The <length> CSS data type denotes distance measurements. It is a <number> immediately followed by a length unit (px, em, pc, in, mm, …). Like for any CSS dimension, there is no space between the unit literal and the number. The length unit is optional after the <number> 0.
CSS CSS Data Type Layout Reference Web


The CSS outline property is a shorthand property for setting one or more of the individual outline properties outline-style, outline-width and outline-color in a single declaration. In most cases the use of this shortcut is preferable and more convenient.
CSS CSS Outline CSS Property Layout Reference


The outline-width CSS property is used to set the width of the outline of an element. An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, outside the border edge, to make the element stand out:
CSS CSS Outline CSS Property Layout Reference


The <percentage> CSS data types represent a percentage value. Many CSS properties can take percentage values, often to define sizes in terms of parent objects. Percentages are formed by a <number> immediately followed by the percentage sign %. Just as is the case with all other units in CSS, there isn't a space between the '%' and the number.
CSS CSS Data Type Layout Reference Web


The <position> CSS data type denotes a coordinate in a 2D space used to set a location relative to a box.
CSS CSS Data Type Layout Reference Web


The quotes CSS property indicates how user agents should render quotation marks.
CSS CSS Property Layout Reference Web


The <ratio> CSS data type, used for describing aspect ratios in media queries, denotes the proportion between two unitless values. It is a strictly positive <integer> followed by a slash ('/', Unicode U+002F SOLIDUS) and a second strictly positive <integer>. There may be spaces before and after the solidus.
CSS CSS Data Type Layout Reference Web


The <resolution> CSS data types, used in media queries, denotes the density of pixels of an output device, its resolution. It is a <number> immediately followed by a unit of resolution (dpi, dpcm, ...). Like for any CSS dimension, there is no space between the unit literal and the number.
CSS CSS Data Type Layout Reference Web