Results 541 - 560 of 1,243


The HTMLSelectElement.add() method adds an element to the collection of option elements for this select element.
API HTML DOM HTMLSelectElement Method Reference


The HTMLSelectElement.item() method returns the Element corresponding to the HTMLOptionElement whose position in the options list corresponds to the index given in parameter, or null if there are none.
API HTML DOM HTMLSelectElement Method Reference Référence


The HTMLSelectElement.namedItem() method returns the HTMLOptionElement corresponding to the HTMLOptionElement whose name or id match the specified name, or null if no option matches.
API HTML DOM HTMLSelectElement Method Reference Référence


The HTMLSelectElement.remove() method removes the element at the specified index from the options collection for this select element.
API HTML DOM HTMLSelectElement Method Reference Référence


The HTMLShadowElement.getDistributedNodes() method returns a static NodeList of the distributed nodes associated with this <shadow> element.
API HTML DOM Property Reference Web Components


The HTMLSourceElement interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement object interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <source> elements.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference Référence


The HTMLSpanElement interface represents a <span> element and derives from the HTMLElement interface, but without implementing any additional properties or methods.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference Référence


The HTMLStyleElement interface represents a <style> element. It inherits properties and methods from its parent, HTMLElement, and from LinkStyle.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference Référence


The HTMLStyleElement.scoped property is a Boolean value indicating if the element applies to the whole document (false) or only to the parent's sub-tree (true).
API HTML DOM HTMLStyleElement Property Reference Référence


The HTMLTableCaptionElement interface special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating table caption elements.
API HTML DOM Interface NeedsNewLayout Reference Référence


The HTMLTableCellElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of table cells, either header or data cells, in an HTML document.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference Référence


The HTMLTableColElement interface provides special properties (beyond the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it inheritance) for manipulating single or grouped table column elements.
API HTML DOM Interface NeedsNewLayout Reference Référence


The HTMLTableDataCellElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLTableCellElement and HTMLElement interfaces it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of table data cells in an HTML document.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference Référence


The HTMLTableElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement object interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of tables in an HTML document.
API HTML DOM Interface Reference Référence


The HTMLTableElement.caption property represents the table caption. If no caption element is associated with the table, it can be null.
API HTML DOM Property Reference Référence


The HTMLTableElement.insertRow() method inserts a new row in the table.
API HTML DOM HTMLTableElement Method NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The HTMLTableElement.tFoot property represents the table's <tfoot> element. Its value can be null if there is no such element.
API HTML DOM HTMLTableElement Property Reference Référence