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The locale read-only property of the IDBIndex interface returns the locale of the index (for example en-US, or pl) if it had a locale value specified upon its creation (see createIndex()'s optionalParameters.) Note that this property always returns the current locale being used in this index, in other words, it never returns "auto".
API Database Experimental IDBIndex IndexedDB Locale Property Reference Storage storage


The method sets the position of the cursor to the appropriate record, based on the specified direction.
API Database IDBIndex IndexedDB Method openCursor Reference storage Storage


The method sets the position of the cursor to the appropriate key, based on the specified direction.
API Database IDBIndex IndexedDB Method openKeyCursor Reference storage Storage


A key range can be a single value or a range with upper and lower bounds or endpoints. If the key range has both upper and lower bounds, then it is bounded; if it has no bounds, it is unbounded. A bounded key range can either be open (the endpoints are excluded) or closed (the endpoints are included). To retrieve all keys within a certain range, you can use the following code constructs:
API Database IDBKeyRange IndexedDB Interface Reference storage Storage


The bounds can be open (that is, the bounds exclude the endpoint values) or closed (that is, the bounds include the endpoint values). By default, the bounds are closed.
API bound Database IDBKeyRange IndexedDB Method Reference storage Storage


The lower bound of the key range (can be any type.)
API Database IDBKeyRange IndexedDB lower Property Reference Storage storage


By default, it includes the lower endpoint value and is closed.
API Database IDBKeyRange IndexedDB lowerBound Method Reference storage Storage


The upper bound of the key range (can be any type.)
API Database IDBKeyRange IndexedDB Property Reference storage Storage upper


By default, it includes the upper endpoint value and is closed.
API Database IDBKeyRange IndexedDB Method Reference storage Storage upperBound


The IDBLocaleAwareKeyRange interface of the IndexedDB API is a Firefox-specific version of IDBKeyRange — it functions in exactly the same fashion, and has the same properties and methods, but it is intended for use with IDBIndex objects when the original index had a locale value specified upon its creation (see createIndex()'s optionalParameters) — that is, it has locale aware sorting enabled.
API Database Experimental IDBKeyRange IndexedDB Interface Reference storage Storage


To determine if the add operation has completed successfully, listen for the transaction’s complete event in addition to the IDBObjectStore.add request’s success event, because the transaction may still fail after the success event fires. In other words, the success event is only triggered when the transaction has been successfully queued.
API Database IDBObjectStore IndexedDB Method Reference storage Storage