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The ::-ms-fill-upper CSS pseudo-element represents the portion of the "track" (the groove in which the indicator aka thumb slides) of an <input> of type="range", which corresponds to values greater than the value currently selected by the thumb.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsExample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Non-standard Pseudo-element Reference


The ::-ms-thumb CSS pseudo-element represents the "thumb" that the user can move within the "groove" of an <input> of type="range" to alter its numerical value.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Non-standard Pseudo-element Reference


The ::placeholder CSS pseudo-element represents the placeholder text of a form element. This allows web developers and theme designers to customize the appearance of placeholder text.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element Experimental NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsExample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Pseudo-element Reference Web


The ::spelling-error CSS pseudo-element represents a text segment which the browser has flagged as incorrectly spelled.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element Experimental NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsExample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Pseudo-element Reference Web


The ::-webkit-slider-thumb CSS pseudo-element represents the "thumb" that the user can move within the "groove" of an <input> of type="range" to alter its numerical value.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Non-standard Pseudo-element Reference


The :any-link CSS pseudo-class represents an element that acts as the source anchor of a hyperlink independent of whether it has been visited, that is, it matches every <a>, <area> or <link> elements with an href attribute. So, it matches all elements that match :link or :visited.
CSS CSS Pseudo-class Experimental Layout NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsLiveSample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference Web


The :-moz-locale-dir(rtl) CSS pseudo-class matches an element if the user interface is being displayed right-to-left. This is determined by the preference intl.uidirection.locale (where locale is the current locale) being set to "rtl".
CSS CSS Reference Localization NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample Non-standard Pseudo-class Right-to-left


The backdrop-filter property provides for effects like blurring or color shifting the area behind an element, which can then be seen through that element by adjusting the element's transparency/opacity.
CSS CSS Property Graphics Layout NeedsContent NeedsLiveSample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference SVG SVG Filter Web


The initial-letter-align CSS property specifies the alignment of initial letters within a paragraph.
CSS CSS Property Experimental Graphics Layout NeedsExample NeedsLiveSample Property Reference Web


display-mode is a CSS media feature that selectively applies CSS based on the display mode of the application. This feature corresponds the Web app manifest's display member. Both apply to the top-level browsing context and any child browsing contexts. This query applies regardless of whether a web app manifest is present. Use this query to provide a consistant user experience between launching a site from an URL and lunching it from a desktop icon.
@media CSS display display-mode media feature web app manifest

Using CSS Flexible Boxes

The CSS3 Flexible Box, or flexbox, is a layout mode providing for the arrangement of elements on a page such that the elements behave predictably when the page layout must accommodate different screen sizes and different display devices. For many applications, the flexible box model provides an improvement over the block model in that it does not use floats, nor do the flex container's margins collapse with the margins of its contents.
#RWD Advanced Boxes CSS Example Flexible Guide Web

Using media queries

A media query consists of an optional media type and zero or more expressions that limit the style sheets' scope by using media features, such as width, height, and color. Media queries, added in CSS3, let the presentation of content be tailored to a specific range of output devices without having to change the content itself.
Advanced CSS Guide Media Queries NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Responsive Design Web


Returns the first element that is a descendant of the element on which it is invoked that matches the specified group of selectors.
API CSS DOM Element Elements Method Reference Selectors


The FontFaceSet interface of the CSS Font Loading API is an interface for loading font faces and checking their download statuses.
API CSS Font Loading API Experimental Fonts Interface Reference