Results 61 - 80 of 485


The AbstractWorker interface of the Web Workers API abstracts properties and methods common to all kind of workers, being Worker or SharedWorker.
AbstractWorker API Interface Reference Référence Web Workers


The AnalyserNode interface represents a node able to provide real-time frequency and time-domain analysis information. It is an AudioNode that passes the audio stream unchanged from the input to the output, but allows you to take the generated data, process it, and create audio visualizations.
AnalyserNode API Interface Reference Web Audio API


ArrayBufferView is a helper type representing any of the following JavaScript TypedArray types:
API Interface JavaScript Reference Référence Typed Arrays


An AudioContext can be a target of events, therefore it implements the EventTarget interface.
API Interface Reference Web Audio API


AudioDestinationNode has no output (as it is the output, no more AudioNode can be linked after it in the audio graph) and one input. The amount of channels in the input must be between 0 and the maxChannelCount value or an exception is raised.
API AudioDestinationNode Interface Reference Web Audio API


BufferSource is a helper type representing objects that are either themselves an ArrayBuffer, or conform to ArrayBufferView.
API Interface JavaScript Reference Référence Typed Arrays


The CanvasCaptureMediaStream interface represents a MediaStream capturing in real-time the surface of an HTMLCanvasElement.
Experimental Interface Media Capture Reference Web


The CanvasGradient interface represents an opaque object describing a gradient. It is returned by the methods CanvasRenderingContext2D.createLinearGradient() or CanvasRenderingContext2D.createRadialGradient().
API Canvas CanvasGradient Gradients Interface Reference


A CloseEvent is sent to clients using WebSockets when the connection is closed. This is delivered to the listener indicated by the WebSocket object's onclose attribute.
API Interface Reference Web WebSocket WebSockets


The ConvolverNode interface is an AudioNode that performs a Linear Convolution on a given AudioBuffer, often used to achieve a reverb effect. A ConvolverNode always has exactly one input and one output.
API ConvolverNode Interface Reference Web Audio API


The Crypto interface represents basic cryptography features available in the current context. It allows access to a cryptographically strong random number generator and to cryptographic primitives.
API Interface Reference Référence Web Crypto API


The CryptoKey interface represents a cryptographic key derived from a specific key algorithm.
API Interface Reference Référence Web Crypto API