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The source read-only property of the VRLayer interface (dictionary) defines the canvas whose contents will be presented by the VRDisplay.
API Experimental Property Reference source Source Virtual Reality VR VRLayer WebVR


The VRPose interface of the WebVR API represents the state of a VR sensor at a given timestamp (which includes orientation, position, velocity, and acceleration information.)
API Experimental Expérimental Landing Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRPose WebVR


The angularAcceleration read-only property of the VRPose interface returns the angular acceleration of the VRDisplay at the current VRPose.timestamp, in meters per second per second.
angularAcceleration API Experimental Expérimental Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRPose WebVR


The angularVelocity read-only property of the VRPose interface returns the angular velocity of the VRDisplay at the current VRPose.timestamp, in radians per second.
angularVelocity API Experimental Expérimental Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRPose WebVR


The hasOrientation read-only property of the VRPositionState interface returns a boolean indicating whether the VRPositionState.orientation property is valid (i.e. if the hardware is currently registering a valid orientation). If it is false, the orientation property will return null.
API Experimental Expérimental hasOrientation Obsolete Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRPositionState WebVR


The hasPosition read-only property of the VRPositionState interface returns a boolean indicating whether the VRPositionState.position property is valid (i.e. if the hardware is currently registering a valid position). If it is false, the position property will return null.
API Experimental Expérimental hasPosition Obsolete Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRPositionState WebVR


The linearAcceleration read-only property of the VRPose interface returns the linear acceleration of the VRDisplay at the current VRPose.timestamp, in meters per second per second.
API Experimental Expérimental linearAcceleration Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRPose WebVR


The linearVelocity read-only property of the VRPose interface returns the linear velocity of the VRDisplay at the current VRPose.timestamp, in meters per second.
API Experimental Expérimental linearVelocity Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRPose WebVR


The orientation read-only property of the VRPositionState interface returns the orientation of the sensor at the current VRPose.timestamp, as a quarternion value.
API Experimental Expérimental Orientation Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRPose WebVR


The position read-only property of the VRPose interface returns the position of the VRDisplay at the current VRPose.timestamp as a 3D vector.
API Experimental Expérimental Position Property Reference Référence Virtual Reality VR VRPose WebVR


The timestamp read-only property of the VRPose interface returns the current time stamp of the system — a monotonically increasing value representing the time since the current app was started.
API Experimental Expérimental Property Reference Référence timeStamp Virtual Reality VR VRPose WebVR


The onvrdisplayconnected property of the SpeechSynthesis interface represents an event handler that will run when a compatible VR device has been connected to the computer (when the vrdisplayconnected event fires).
API events Events Experimental onvrdisplayconnected Property Reference Virtual Reality VR WebVR Window


The onvrdisplaydisconnected event handler property of the Window interface is called when a compatible VR device has been disconnected from the computer (when the vrdisplaydisconnected event fires).
API Events events Experimental onvrdisplaydisconnected Property Reference Virtual Reality VR WebVR Window


The onvrdisplaypresentchange property of the SpeechSynthesis interface represents an event handler that will run when the presenting state of a VR device changes — i.e. goes from presenting to not presenting, or vice versa (when the onvrdisplaypresentchange event fires).
API Events events Experimental onvrdisplaypresentchange Property Reference Virtual Reality VR WebVR Window