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The <gradient> CSS data type denotes a CSS <image> made of a progressive transition between two or more colors. A CSS gradient is not a CSS <color> but an image with no intrinsic dimensions; that is, it has no natural or preferred size, nor a preferred ratio. Its concrete size will match the one of the element it applies to.
CSS CSS Data Type Graphics Layout Reference Web


The <image> CSS data type represents a 2D image. There are two kinds of images in CSS: plain static images, often referenced using a URL, and dynamically-generated images like gradients or representations of parts of the tree.
CSS CSS Data Type CSS Image Graphics Layout Reference Web


The inherit CSS-value causes the element for which it is specified to take the computed value of the property from its parent element. It is allowed on every CSS property.
CSS CSS Cascade Layout NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference Référence Web


The initial-letter CSS property specifies styling for dropped, raised, and sunken initial letters.
CSS CSS Property Experimental Graphics Layout Reference Web


The CSS linear-gradient() function creates an <image> which represents a linear gradient of colors. The result of this function is an object of the CSS <gradient> data type. Like any other gradient, a CSS linear gradient is not a CSS <color> but an image with no intrinsic dimensions; that is, it has neither natural or preferred size, nor ratio. Its concrete size will match the size of the element it applies to.
CSS CSS Function CSS Image Graphics Layout NeedsNewCompatTable Reference Web


The non-standard -moz-float-edge CSS property specifies whether the height and width properties of the element include the margin, border, or padding thickness.
CSS CSS Property CSS:Mozilla Extensions Layout NeedsCompatTable Non-standard


The <number> CSS data type represents a number, either integer or fractional. Its syntax extends the one of the <integer> data value. To represent a fractional value, add the fractional part — a '.' followed by one or several decimal digits — to any <integer> data value. Like for <integer> data type, there isn't any unit associated to a <number>, which is not a CSS dimension.
CSS CSS Data Type Layout NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference Web


The CSS radial-gradient() function creates an <image> which represents a gradient of colors radiating from an origin, the center of the gradient. The result of this function is an object of the CSS <gradient> data type.
CSS CSS Function CSS Image Graphics Layout Reference Web


This works similarly to the standard radial gradients as described by radial-gradient(), but it automatically repeats the color stops infinitely in both directions, with their positions shifted by multiples of the difference between the last color stop's position and the first one's position.
CSS CSS Function CSS Image Graphics Layout NeedsBrowserCompatibility Reference Web


The right CSS property specifies part of the position of positioned elements.
CSS CSS Positioning CSS Property Layout Reference Web


The <shape> CSS data type denotes the specific form of a region. This region is used to define on which part of an element some properties like clip do apply.
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The <time> CSS data type denotes time dimensions expressed in seconds or milliseconds. They consists of a​ ​​​​​​<number> immediately followed by the unit. Like for any CSS dimension, there is no space between the unit literal and the number.
CSS CSS Data Type Layout NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference Web


The <timing-function> CSS data type denotes a mathematical function that describes how fast one-dimensional values change during transitions or animations. This in essence lets you establish an acceleration curve, so that the speed of the animation can vary over its duration. These functions are often called easing functions.
CSS CSS Data Type CSS Reference Layout Reference Web


The unset CSS keyword is the combination of the initial and inherit keywords. Like these two other CSS-wide keywords, it can be applied to any CSS property, including the CSS shorthand all. This keyword resets the property to its inherited value if it inherits from its parent or to its initial value if not. In other words, it behaves like the inherit keyword in the first case and like the initial keyword in the second case.
CSS CSS Cascade Keyword Layout Reference Référence Web


The visibility property can be used to hide an element while leaving the space where it would have been. It can also hide rows or columns of a table.
CSS CSS Positioning CSS Property Layout Reference Web


If a -webkit-mask-image is specified, -webkit-mask-attachment determines whether the mask image's position is fixed within the viewport, or scrolls along with its containing block.
CSS CSS Property Layout Non-standard Reference Web


The -webkit-print-color-adjust property is a non-standard CSS extension that can be used to force printing of background colors and images in browsers based on the WebKit engine.
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The -webkit-touch-callout CSS property controls the display of the default callout shown when you touch and hold a touch target.
CSS CSS Property Layout NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsLiveSample Non-standard Reference


Each element in the top layer's stack has a ::backdrop pseudo-element. This pseudo-element is a box rendered immediately below the element (and above the element below the element in the stack, if any), within the same top layer.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element Full-screen Layout NeedsContent Pseudo-element Reference Web


The :any-link CSS pseudo-class represents an element that acts as the source anchor of a hyperlink independent of whether it has been visited, that is, it matches every <a>, <area> or <link> elements with an href attribute. So, it matches all elements that match :link or :visited.
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