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The Node.previousSibling read-only property returns the node immediately preceding the specified one in its parent's childNodes list, or null if the specified node is the first in that list.
API DOM Gecko Property


The NodeIterator.filter read-only method returns a NodeFilter object, that is an object implement an acceptNode(node) method, used to screen nodes.
API DOM NodeIterator Property


The NodeIterator.nextNode() method returns the next node in the set represented by the NodeIterator and advances the position of the iterator within the set.  The first call to nextNode() returns the first node in the set.
API DOM Method NodeIterator


The NodeIterator.previousNode() method returns the previous node in the set represented by the NodeIterator and moves the position of the iterator backwards within the set.
API DOM Method NodeIterator


The NodeIterator.root read-only property represents the Node that is the root of what the NodeIterator traverses.
API DOM NodeIterator Property


The NodeIterator.whatToShow read-only property represents an unsigned integer representing a bitmask signifying what types of nodes should be returned by the NodeIterator.
API DOM NodeIterator Property


NodeList objects are collections of nodes such as those returned by Node.childNodes and the document.querySelectorAll method.
API DOM Interface NodeList


The NonDocumentTypeChildNode.nextElementSibling read-only property returns the element immediately following the specified one in its parent's children list, or null if the specified element is the last one in the list.
API DOM NonDocumentTypeChildNode Property

Page Visibility API

The Page Visibility API lets you know when a webpage is visible or in focus. With tabbed browsing, there is a reasonable chance that any given webpage is in the background and thus not visible to the user. When the user minimizes the webpage or moves to another tab, the API sends a visibilitychange event regarding the visibility of the page. You can detect the event and perform some actions or behave differently. For example, if your web app is playing a video, it would pause the moment the user looks at another browser, and plays again when the user returns to the tab. The user does not lose their place in the video and can continue watching.
DOM Intermediate Tutorials


The ParentNode.childElementCount read-only property returns an unsigned long representing the number of child elements of the given element.
API DOM ParentNode Property


Node.children is a read-only property that returns a live HTMLCollection of the child elements of Node.
API DOM ParentNode Property


The ParentNode.firstElementChild read-only property returns the object's first child Element, or null if there are no child elements.
API DOM ParentNode Property


The ParentNode.lastElementChild read-only property returns the object's last child Element or null if there are no child elements.
API DOM ParentNode Property


A processing instruction provides an opportunity for application-specific instructions to be embedded within XML and which can be ignored by XML processors which do not support processing their instructions (outside of their having a place in the DOM).


The Range.cloneContents() returns a DocumentFragment copying the objects of type Node included in the Range.
API DOM Method Range


The Range.cloneRange() method returns a Range object with boundary points identical to the cloned Range.
API DOM Method Range


The Range.collapse() method collapses the Range to one of its boundary points.
API DOM Method Range


The Range.commonAncestorContainer read-only property returns the deepest — or furthest down the document tree — Node that contains both boundary points of the range. This means that if Range.startContainer and Range.endContainer both refer to the same node, this node is the commonAncestorContainer.
API DOM Property Range


The Range.compareBoundaryPoints() method compares the boundary points of the Range with another one.
API DOM Method Range