Results 101 - 120 of 217


The get() method returns a specified element from a Map object.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Map Method Prototype


The has() method returns a boolean indicating whether an element with the specified key exists or not.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Map Method Prototype


The set() method adds or updates an element with a specified key and value to a Map object.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Map Method Prototype


The Math.clz32() function returns the number of leading zero bits in the 32-bit binary representation of a number.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Math Method Reference


The Math.log10() function returns the base 10 logarithm of a number, that is
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Math Method Reference


The Math.log1p() function returns the natural logarithm (base e) of 1 + a number, that is
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Math Method Reference


The Math.log2() function returns the base 2 logarithm of a number, that is
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Math Method Reference


The Math.sinh() function returns the hyperbolic sine of a number, that can be expressed using the constant e:
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Math Method Reference


The Math.tanh() function returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number, that is
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Math Method Reference


The Math.trunc() function returns the integral part of a number by removing any fractional digits.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Math Method Reference


The Object.defineProperty() method defines a new property directly on an object, or modifies an existing property on an object, and returns the object.
ECMAScript5 JavaScript JavaScript 1.8.5 Method Object


The Object.isExtensible() method determines if an object is extensible (whether it can have new properties added to it).
ECMAScript5 JavaScript JavaScript 1.8.5 Method Object


The Object.isFrozen() determines if an object is frozen.
ECMAScript5 JavaScript JavaScript 1.8.5 Method Object


The Object.isSealed() method determines if an object is sealed.
ECMAScript5 JavaScript JavaScript 1.8.5 Method Object


The Object.keys() method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable properties, in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).
ECMAScript5 JavaScript JavaScript 1.8.5 Method Object


The Object.preventExtensions() method prevents new properties from ever being added to an object (i.e. prevents future extensions to the object).
ECMAScript5 JavaScript JavaScript 1.8.5 Method Object


The Object.seal() method seals an object, preventing new properties from being added to it and marking all existing properties as non-configurable. Values of present properties can still be changed as long as they are writable.
ECMAScript5 JavaScript JavaScript 1.8.5 Method Object


The Object.setPrototypeOf() method sets the prototype (i.e., the internal [[Prototype]] property) of a specified object to another object or null.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Method Object Prototype


The catch() method returns a Promise and deals with rejected cases only. It behaves the same as calling Promise.prototype.then(undefined, onRejected).
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Method Promise Prototype


The then() method returns a Promise. It takes two arguments: callback functions for the success and failure cases of the Promise.
ECMAScript6 JavaScript Method Promise Prototype