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The backdrop-filter property provides for effects like blurring or color shifting the area behind an element, which can then be seen through that element by adjusting the element's transparency/opacity.
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The box-suppress CSS property controls the box generation of an element.
CSS CSS Display CSS Property Experimental Graphics Layout NeedsExample Reference Web


The display-inside CSS property specifies the inner display type of the box generated by an element, dictating how its contents lay out inside the box.
CSS CSS Display CSS Property Experimental Graphics Layout NeedsExample Reference Web


The display-list CSS property specifies whether a list marker should be displayed for an element.
CSS CSS Display CSS Property Experimental Graphics Layout NeedsExample Reference Web


The display-outside CSS property specifies the outer display type of the box generated by an element, dictating how the element participates in its parent formatting context.
CSS CSS Display CSS Property Experimental Graphics Layout NeedsExample Reference Web


The initial-letter-align CSS property specifies the alignment of initial letters within a paragraph.
CSS CSS Property Experimental Graphics Layout NeedsExample NeedsLiveSample Property Reference Web


The mask property in CSS allows users to alter the visibility of an item by either partially or fully hiding it. This is accomplished by either masking or clipping the image at specific points.
CSS CSS Masks CSS Property Layout NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference SVG Web


The CSS repeating-linear-gradient function creates an <image> consisting of repeating gradients. It works similarly to the basic linear gradients as described by linear-gradient(), and takes the same arguments. However, it automatically repeats the color stops infinitely in both directions. The color stops' positions shift by multiples of the length of a basic linear gradient (the difference between the last color stops' position and the first).
CSS CSS Function CSS Image css3-images Graphics Layout Reference Web


The <transform-function> CSS data type denotes a function applied to an element's representation in order to modify it. Usually such transform may be expressed by matrices and the resulting images can be determined using matrix multiplication on each point.
CSS CSS Data Type CSS Reference CSS Transforms Layout Reference Web


The <url> CSS data type denotes a pointer to a resource. It has no proper syntax and can only be expressed through the url() functional notation.
CSS data Layout Reference Référence Type URI url URL urn Web


The ::marker CSS pseudo-element represents the marker box of a list item (e.g. the bullet point or item number).
CSS CSS Lists and Counters CSS Pseudo-element Experimental Layout NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsExample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Pseudo-element Reference Web