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The ::-ms-fill-upper CSS pseudo-element represents the portion of the "track" (the groove in which the indicator aka thumb slides) of an <input> of type="range", which corresponds to values greater than the value currently selected by the thumb.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsExample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Non-standard Pseudo-element Reference


The ::-ms-thumb CSS pseudo-element represents the "thumb" that the user can move within the "groove" of an <input> of type="range" to alter its numerical value.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Non-standard Pseudo-element Reference


The ::placeholder CSS pseudo-element represents the placeholder text of a form element. This allows web developers and theme designers to customize the appearance of placeholder text.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element Experimental NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsExample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Pseudo-element Reference Web


The ::spelling-error CSS pseudo-element represents a text segment which the browser has flagged as incorrectly spelled.
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The non-standard proprietary ::-webkit-input-placeholder pseudo-element represents the placeholder text of a form element. This allows web developers and theme designers to customize the appearance of placeholder text. This pseudo-class is only supported by WebKit and Blink.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element CSS Reference NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsExample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Non-standard Pseudo-element Reference


The ::-webkit-slider-thumb CSS pseudo-element represents the "thumb" that the user can move within the "groove" of an <input> of type="range" to alter its numerical value.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Non-standard Pseudo-element Reference

::before (:before)

::before creates a pseudo-element that is the first child of the element matched. It is often used to add cosmetic content to an element by using the content property. This element is inline by default.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element Layout NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference Web

::first-letter (:first-letter)

The ::first-letter CSS pseudo-element selects the first letter of the first line of a block, if it is not preceded by any other content (such as images or inline tables) on its line.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element Layout NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference Web

::first-line (:first-line)

The ::first-line CSS pseudo-element applies styles only to the first line of an element. The amount of the text on the first line depends of numerous factors, like the width of the element, width of the document, and the font size of the text. As all pseudo-elements, ::first-line does not match any real HTML element.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element Layout NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference Référence Web


The ::-moz-placeholder pseudo-element represents any form element displaying placeholder text. This allows web developers and theme designers to customize the appearance of placeholder text, which is a light grey color by default. This may not work well if you've changed the background color of your form fields to be a similar color, for example, so you can use this pseudo-element to change the placeholder text color.
CSS CSS Pseudo-element CSS Reference Non-standard Non-Standard


The ::-moz-list-number CSS pseudo-element lets you customize the appearance of numbers on list items (<li>) occurring in ordered lists (<ol>).
CSS CSS Reference NeedsCompatTable Non-standard Pseudo-element


Returns an array-like object of all child elements which have all of the given class names. When called on the document object, the complete document is searched, including the root node. You may also call getElementsByClassName() on any element; it will return only elements which are descendants of the specified root element with the given class names.
API DOM DOM Element Methods Gecko HTML5 Method Reference Référence


The Element interface represents an object of a Document. This interface describes methods and properties common to all kinds of elements. Specific behaviors are described in interfaces which inherit from Element but add additional functionality. For example, the HTMLElement interface is the base interface for HTML elements, while the SVGElement interface is the basis for all SVG elements.
API DOM DOM Reference Element Interface Reference Web API


The Element.closest() method returns the closest ancestor of the current element (or the current element itself) which matches the selectors given in parameter. If there isn't such an ancestor, it returns null.
API DOM Element Experimental Expérimental Élément Method Reference Référence


insertAdjacentHTML() parses the specified text as HTML or XML and inserts the resulting nodes into the DOM tree at a specified position. It does not reparse the element it is being used on and thus it does not corrupt the existing elements inside the element. This, and avoiding the extra step of serialization make it much faster than direct innerHTML manipulation.
API DOM DOM Element Methods Gecko Method Reference Référence

name gets or sets the name property of a DOM object; it only applies to the following elements: <a>, <applet>, <button>, <form>, <frame>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <map>, <meta>, <object>, <param>, <select>, and <textarea>.
API DOM Element NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsSpecTable NeedsUpdate Property Reference Web