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The WindowBase64.atob() function decodes a string of data which has been encoded using base-64 encoding. You can use the window.btoa() method to encode and transmit data which may otherwise cause communication problems, then transmit it and use the window.atob() method to decode the data again. For example, you can encode, transmit, and decode control characters such as ASCII values 0 through 31.
API Method Reference Référence WindowBase64

HTML attribute reference

Elements in HTML have attributes; these are additional values that configure the elements or adjust their behavior in various ways to meet the criteria the users want.
Attribute HTML Reference Référence Web


The accesskey global attribute provides a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element. This attribute consists of a space-separated list of characters (one single Unicode code point). The browser uses the first one that exists on the computer keyboard layout.
Global attributes HTML Reference Référence


The contenteditable global attribute is an enumerated attribute indicating if the element should be editable by the user. If so, the browser modifies its widget to allow editing. The attribute must take one of the following values:
Global attributes HTML Reference Référence


The data-* global attributes form a class of attributes, called custom data attributes, allows proprietary information to be exchanged between the HTML and its DOM representation that may be used by scripts. All such custom data are available via the HTMLElement interface of the element the attribute is set on. The HTMLElement.dataset property gives access to them.
The * may be replaced by any name following the production rule of xml names with the following restrictions:
Global attributes HTML Reference Référence


The dir global attribute is an enumerated attribute indicates the directionality of the element's text. It can have the following values:
Global attributes HTML Reference Référence


The hidden global attribute is a Boolean attribute indicating that the element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant. For example, it can be used to hide elements of the page that can't be used until the login process has been completed. Browsers won't render elements with the hidden attribute set.
Global attributes HTML Reference Référence


Note: The maximum value for tabIndex should not exceed 32767 per W3C section 17.11.1
Global attributes HTML Reference Référence


The title global attribute contains a text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to. Such information can typically, but not necessarily, be presented to the user as a tooltip. Here are some typical uses of this attribute:
Global attributes HTML Reference Référence

Legacy generator function expression

The function keyword can be used to define a legacy generator function inside an expression. To make the function a legacy generator, the function body should contain at least one yield expression.
JavaScript Legacy Iterator Reference Référence


Just like pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements are added to selectors but instead of describing a special state, they allow you to style certain parts of a document. For example, the ::first-line pseudo-element targets only  the first line of an element specified by the selector.
Beginner CSS CSS Reference CSS Référence Selectors


The symbols() function allows counter styles to be defined inline, directly as the value of the CSS property. Unlike styles defines with @counter-style, these styles are anonymous. The symbols() function doesn't have all the capabilities and options of the @counter-style at-rule, but is useful in cases such as when the style is used only once and you don't need all the the options provided by @counter-style.
CSS CSS Counter Styles Reference Référence


The AbstractWorker interface of the Web Workers API abstracts properties and methods common to all kind of workers, being Worker or SharedWorker.
AbstractWorker API Interface Reference Référence Web Workers


ArrayBufferView is a helper type representing any of the following JavaScript TypedArray types:
API Interface JavaScript Reference Référence Typed Arrays


A Boolean value indicating whether or not the device's battery is currently being charged.
API Battery API NeedsMarkupWork Property Reference Référence


Indicates the amount of time, in seconds, that remain until the battery is fully charged.
API Battery API NeedsMarkupWork Property Reference Référence


Indicates the amount of time, in seconds, that remains until the battery is fully discharged.
API Battery API NeedsMarkupWork Property Reference Référence


Indicates the current battery charge level as a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
API Battery API NeedsMarkupWork Property Reference Référence


The Blob.size property returns the size in bytes of the Blob or a File.
API Files Property Reference Référence Web API