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The WebGLRenderingContext.texImage3D() method of the WebGL API specifies a three-dimensional texture image.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.texStorage2D() method of the WebGL API specifies all levels of two-dimensional texture storage.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.texStorage3D() method of the WebGL API specifies all levels of a three-dimensional texture or two-dimensional array texture.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.texSubImage3D() method of the WebGL API specifies a sub-rectangle of the current texture.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.transformFeedbackVaryings() method of the WebGL 2 API specifies values to record in WebGLTransformFeedback buffers.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.uniform[1234]ui[v]() methods of the WebGL API specify values of uniform variables.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformBlockBinding() method of the WebGL 2 API assigns binding points for active uniform blocks.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix[234]x[234]fv() methods of the WebGL 2 API specify matrix values for uniform variables.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.vertexAttribDivisor() method of the WebGL 2 API modifies the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance when rendering multiple instances of primitives with gl.drawArraysInstanced() and gl.drawElementsInstanced().
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.vertexAttribI4[u]i[v]() methods of the WebGL 2 API specify integer values for generic vertex attributes.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.vertexAttribIPointer() method of the WebGL 2 API specifies integer data formats and locations of vertex attributes in a vertex attributes array.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGL2RenderingContext.waitSync() method of the WebGL 2 API returns immediately, but waits on the GL server until the given WebGLSync object is signaled.
API Experimental Method Reference WebGL WebGL2


The WebGLRenderingContext.getProgramParameter() method of the WebGL API returns information about the given program.
API Method Reference WebGL WebGL2 WebGLRenderingContext


Support for WebGL is present in Firefox 4+, Google Chrome 9+, Opera 12+, Safari 5.1+ and Internet Explorer 11+; however, the user's device must also have hardware that supports these features.
Advanced Graphics Media WebGL

WebGL constants

The WebGL API provides several constants that are passed into or returned by functions. All constants are of type GLenum.
API constants Reference WebGL

WebGL types

The following types are used in WebGL interfaces.
Reference Types WebGL

WebGL best practices

This article offers suggestions and tips to improve your WebGL content. Following these suggestions can help improve your web application's compatibility with more devices and browsers, as well as increase its performance.
Advanced Best practices WebGL


The WEBGL_draw_buffers.drawBuffersWEBGL() method is part of the WebGL API and allows you to define the draw buffers to which all fragment colors are written.
API Method Reference WebGL


The WebGLActiveInfo interface is part of the WebGL API and represents the information returned by calling the WebGLRenderingContext.getActiveAttrib() and WebGLRenderingContext.getActiveUniform() methods.
API Reference WebGL