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The HTMLInputElement.multiple property indicates if an input can have more than one value. Firefox currently only supports multiple for <input type="file">.
API HTML DOM HTMLInputElement NeedsBrowserAgnosticism NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence


A MediaQueryList object maintains a list of media queries on a document, and handles sending notifications to listeners when the media queries on the document change.
API CSSOM View Experimental Expérimental Interface NeedsMarkupWork NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility NeedsSplit Reference Référence


The dialogArguments property returns the parameters that were passed into the window.showModalDialog() method. This lets you determine what parameters were specified when the modal dialog was created.
API HTML DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence Window


This property indicates whether the window is displayed in full screen mode or not. It is only reliable in Gecko 1.9 (Firefox 3) and later, see the Notes below.
API DOM_0 HTML DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence Window


The Window.history read-only property returns a reference to the History object, which provides an interface for manipulating the browser session history (pages visited in the tab or frame that the current page is loaded in).
API History API HTML DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence Window


Gets the X coordinate of the top-left corner of the window's viewport, in screen coordinates.
API HTML DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence Window


Gets the Y coordinate of the top-left corner of the window's viewport, in screen coordinates.
API HTML DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence Window


Returns the number of times the current document has been painted to the screen in this window.
API HTML DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence Window


The Window.navigator read-only property returns a reference to the Navigator object, which can be queried for information about the application running the script.
API HTML DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Read-only Reference Référence Window


Specifies an event listener to receive deviceproximity events. These events occur when the device sensor detects that an object becomes closer to or farther from the device.
API Event Handler Experimental Expérimental NeedsMarkupWork Property Proximity Events Reference Référence Window


Returns a reference to the window that opened this current window.
API HTML DOM NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence Window