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The XMLHttpRequest.statusText property returns a DOMString containing the response's status message as returned by the HTTP server. Unlike XMLHTTPRequest.status which indicates a numerical status code, this property contains the text of the response status, such as "OK" or "Not Found". If the request's readyState is in UNSENT or OPENED state, the value of statusText will be an empty string.
AJAX API Reference XMLHttpRequest


The XMLHttpRequest.timeout property is an unsigned long representing the number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated. The default value is 0, which means there is no timeout. Timeout shouldn't be used for synchronous XMLHttpRequests requests used in a document environment or it will throw an InvalidAccessError exception. When a timeout happens, a timeout event is fired.
AJAX Property Reference XMLHttpRequest

<input type="checkbox">

The HTML input element <input type="checkbox"> is an input element to enter an array of different values. The value attribute is used to define the value submitted by the checkbox. The checked attribute is used to indicate whether this item is selected. The indeterminate attribute is used to indicate that the checkbox is in an indeterminate state (on most platforms, this draws a horizontal line across the checkbox).
Element HTML Reference

<input type="color">

The <input type="color"> element is a specific version of the <input> element, used to create an input field which allow user to select color and enter color code. A color picker's UI has no required features other than accepting simple colors as text (more info).
Element HTML Reference

<input type="datetime">

The HTML <input type="datetime"> is a control for entering a date and time (hour, minute, second, and fraction of a second) based on the UTC time zone.
Element HTML Reference

<input type="image">

The <input type="image"> is a graphical submit button. You must use the src attribute to define the source of the image and the alt attribute to define alternative text. The height and width attributes are used to define the size of the image in pixels.
Element HTML Reference

<input type="password">

The HTML <input type="password"> element is a specific version of the <input> element, used to create an input field accepting a password.
Element HTML Reference


The class global attribute is a space-separated list of the classes of the element. Classes allows CSS and Javascript to select and access specific elements via the class selectors or functions like the DOM method document.getElementsByClassName.
Global attributes HTML Reference


The contextmenu global attribute is the id of a <menu> to use as the contextual menu for this element.
Global attributes HTML Reference


The id global attribute defines a unique identifier (ID) which must be unique in the whole document. Its purpose is to identify the element when linking (using a fragment identifier), scripting, or styling (with CSS).
Global attributes HTML Reference


The lang global attribute participates in defining the language of the element, the language that is non-editable elements are written in or the language that the editable elements should be written in. The tag contains one single entry value in the format defined in the Tags for Identifying Languages (BCP47) IETF document. If the tag content is the empty string the language is set to unknown; if the tag content is not valid, regarding BCP47, it is set to invalid.
Global attributes HTML Reference


The style global attribute contains CSS styling declarations to be applied to the element. Note that it is recommended for styles to be defined in a separate file or files. This attribute and the <style> element have mainly the purpose of allowing for quick styling, for example for testing purposes.
Global attributes HTML Reference

HTML reference

This HTML reference describes all elements and attributes of HTML, including global attributes that apply to all elements.
HTML Landing Reference Web

Standard built-in objects

This chapter documents all of JavaScript's standard, built-in objects, including their methods and properties.
JavaScript Reference Référence


The Date.parse() method parses a string representation of a date, and returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC or NaN if the string is unrecognised or, in some cases, contains illegal date values (e.g. 2015-02-31).
Date JavaScript Method Reference


The Date.UTC() method accepts the same parameters as the longest form of the constructor, and returns the number of milliseconds in a Date object since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00, universal time.
Date JavaScript Method Reference


The Error constructor creates an error object. Instances of Error objects are thrown when runtime errors occur. The Error object can also be used as a base object for user-defined exceptions. See below for standard built-in error types.
Error JavaScript Reference


The EvalError object indicates an error regarding the global eval() function. This exception is not thrown by JavaScript anymore, however the EvalError object remains for compatibility.
Error EvalError JavaScript Reference


Math is a built-in object that has properties and methods for mathematical constants and functions. Not a function object.
JavaScript Math Reference


The Math.abs() function returns the absolute value of a number, that is
JavaScript Math Method Reference