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The CanvasCaptureMediaStream interface represents a MediaStream capturing in real-time the surface of an HTMLCanvasElement.
Experimental Interface Media Capture Reference Web


The Media.pause() method (part of the MediaRecorder API) is used to pause recording of media streams.
API Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder Method pause Reference


The MediaRecorder.requestData() method (part of the MediaRecorder API) is used to raise a dataavailable event containing a Blob object of the captured media as it was when the method was called. This can then be grabbed and manipulated as you wish.
API Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder Method Reference requestData


The MediaRecorder.resume() method (part of the MediaRecorder API) is used to resume media recording when it has been previously paused.
API Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder Method Reference resume


The MediaRecorder.start() method (part of the MediaRecorder API) is used to start capturing media into a Blob.
API Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder Method Reference start


The MediaRecorder.stop() method (part of the MediaRecorder API) is used to stop media capture.
API Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder Method Reference stop


The getSettings() method of the MediaStreamTrack interface returns a MediaTrackSettings object containing the current values of each of the constrainable properties for the current MediaStreamTrack. See "Capabilities and constraints" in Media Capture and Streams API (Media Streams) for details on how to work with constrainable properties.
API Constraints getSettings Media Capture and Streams MediaStreamTrack Method Reference


The muted read-only property of the MediaStreamTrack interface returns a Boolean value indicating whether the track is muted.
API Media Capture and Streams MediaStreamTrack muted Property Reference

Media Capture and Streams API (Media Streams)

The Media Capture and Streams API, often called the Media Stream API or the Stream API,  is an API related to WebRTC which supports streams of audio or video data, the methods for working with them, the constraints associated with the type of data, the success and error callbacks when using the data asynchronously, and the events that are fired during the process.
Advanced API Audio audio Guide Media Capture and Streams API Media Streams API NeedsContent video Video


The MediaRecorder interface of the MediaRecorder API provides functionality to easily record media. It is created by the invocation of the MediaRecorder() constructor.
API audio Audio Interface Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder Reference Video video


The MediaRecorder.isMimeTypeSupported() method returns a true that indicates whether the value of the argument is one the user agent can record.
API Audio audio canRecordMimeType Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder Method Reference Video video


The MediaRecorder.ondataavailable event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the dataavailable event, allowing you to run code in response to Blob data being made available for use.
API Audio Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder ondataavailable Property Reference Video


The MediaRecorder.onerror event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the DOMError event, allowing you to run code in response to fatal errors occurring that prevent media capture.
API Audio Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder onerror Property Reference Video


The MediaRecorder.onpause event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the pause event, allowing you to run code in response to the media recording being paused.
API Audio audio Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder onpause Property Reference Video video


The MediaRecorder.onresume event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the resume event, allowing you to run code in response to the media recording being resumed after pausing.
API Audio Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder onresume Property Reference Video


The MediaRecorder.onstartevent handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the start event, allowing you to run code in response to media recording being started by a MediaRecorder.
API Audio Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder onstart Property Reference Référence Video


The MediaRecorder.onstop event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the stop event, allowing you to run code in response to media recording via a MediaRecorder being stopped.
API Audio Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder onstop Property Reference Référence Video


The MediaRecorder.onwarning event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the recordingwarning event, allowing you to run code in response to non-fatal errors being thrown during media recording via a MediaRecorder, which don't halt recording.
API Audio Media Capture Media Recorder API MediaRecorder onwarning Property Reference Référence Video