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The HTMLAnchorElement.referrerPolicy property reflect the HTML referrerpolicy attribute of the <a> element defining which referrer is sent when fetching the resource.
API Experimental HTMLAnchorElement Property Reference Referrer Policy


The HTMLAreaElement.referrerPolicy property reflect the HTML referrerpolicy attribute of the <area> element defining which referrer is sent when fetching the resource.
API Experimental HTMLAreaElement Property Reference Referrer Policy


The HTMLIFrameElement.referrerPolicy property reflect the HTML referrer attribute of the <iframe> element defining which referrer is sent when fetching the resource.
API Experimental HTMLIFrameElement Property Reference Referrer Policy


The HTMLImageElement.referrerPolicy property reflect the HTML referrerpolicy attribute of the <img> element defining which referrer is sent when fetching the resource.
API Experimental HTMLImageElement Property Referrer Policy


The referrer read-only property of the Request interface is set by the user agent to be the referrer of the Request. (e.g., about:client, no-referrer, or a URL.)
API Experimental Fetch Property Reference referrer request