CSS - -moz-outline-radius

In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-outline-radius CSS property can be used to give outlines rounded corners. An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, outside the border edge, to make the element stand out.




p {
border: 1px solid black; <code class="language-css">
outline: dotted red; -moz-outline-radius: 12% 1em 25px;</code>
</style> </head>

<body> <p>The outline-style Property using <code class="language-css">-moz-outline-radius</code></p> </body>

<head> <style>
p1 {
border: 1px solid black; <code class="language-css">outline: dotted red; </code><code class="language-css">
-moz-outline-radius-topleft: 12%; 
-moz-outline-radius-topright: 1em; 
-moz-outline-radius-bottomright: 35px; 
-moz-outline-radius-bottomleft: 1em;</code> }
</style> </head>

<body> <p1>The outline-style Property using more complicated <code class="language-css">-moz-outline-radius-xxx </code></p1> </body>



/* One value */
-moz-outline-radius: 25px;

/* Two values */
-moz-outline-radius: 25px 1em;

/* Three values */
-moz-outline-radius: 25px 1em 12%;

/* Four values */
-moz-outline-radius: 25px 1em 12% 4mm;

/* Global values */
-moz-outline-radius: inherit;
-moz-outline-radius: initial;
-moz-outline-radius: unset;


Elliptical outlines and <percentage> values follow the syntax described in border-radius.

One, two, three or four <outline-radius> values, represents one of:

See <length> for possible values.
A <percentage>; see border-radius for details.
  • If a single value is set, it applies to all 4 corners.
  • If two values are set, the first one applies to the top-left and bottom-right corners and the second one to the top-right and bottom-left corners.
  • If three values are set, the first one applies to the top-Left corner, the second one to the top-right and bottom-left corners and the third one to the bottom-right corner.
  • If four values are set, the first one applies to the top-left corner, the second one to the top-right corner, the third one to the bottom-right corner and the fourth one to the bottom-left corner.

Formal syntax

<outline-radius><a title="Curly braces" href="css/value_definition_syntax#curly_braces_(.7b_.7d)">{</a>1,4<a title="Curly braces" href="css/value_definition_syntax#curly_braces_(.7b_.7d)">}</a> <a title="Brackets" href="css/value_definition_syntax#brackets">[</a> / <outline-radius><a title="Curly braces" href="css/value_definition_syntax#curly_braces_(.7b_.7d)">{</a>1,4<a title="Curly braces" href="css/value_definition_syntax#curly_braces_(.7b_.7d)">}</a><a title="Brackets" href="css/value_definition_syntax#brackets">]</a><a title="Question mark" href="css/value_definition_syntax#question_mark_(.3f)">?</a>


In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-outline-radius CSS property can be used to give outlines rounded corners. An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, outside the border edge, to make the element stand out.

-moz-outline-radius is a convenient shortcut to set the four properties -moz-outline-radius-topleft, -moz-outline-radius-topright, -moz-outline-radius-bottomright and -moz-outline-radius-bottomleft.

Initial valueas each of the properties of the shorthand:
Applies toall elements
Percentagesas each of the properties of the shorthand:
Computed valueas each of the properties of the shorthand:
Animatableas each of the properties of the shorthand:
Canonical orderthe unique non-ambiguous order defined by the formal grammar

Browser Compatibility  

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support No support 1.5 (1.8) No support No support No support
Feature Android Android Webview Firefox Mobile (Gecko) Firefox OS IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile Chrome for Android
Basic support No support No support 1.0 (1.8) ? No support No support No support No support


  • dotted or dashed radiused corners are rendered as solid, bug 382721
  • Future versions of Gecko/Firefox may drop this property completely. See bug 315209.


This property it is not defined in any CSS standard.


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Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v2.5 or later.

CSS CSS Reference Non-standard