CSS - min-height

The min-height CSS descriptor specifies the minimum height of the viewport of a document defined via the @viewport at-rule.



@viewport {
  min-height: 200px;


/* Keyword value */
min-height: auto;

/* <length> values */
min-height: 120px;
min-height: 20em;
min-height: 10cm;

/* <percentage> value */
min-height: 25%;


The used value is calculated from the other CSS descriptors' values.
A non-negative absolute or relative length.
A percentage value relative to the height of the initial viewport at zoom factor 1.0 for vertical lengths. Must be non-negative.

Formal syntax

<a href="css/@viewport/min-height#viewport-length"><viewport-length></a><p>where <br><code><viewport-length> = auto <a title="Single bar" href="css/value_definition_syntax#single_bar">|</a> <a href="css/@viewport/min-height#length-percentage"><length-percentage></a></code></p><p>where <br><code><length-percentage> = <a title="Possible values: a number followed by'em', 'ex', 'ch', 'rem', 'px', 'cm', 'mm', 'in', 'vh', 'vw', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'pt', 'pc' or 'px', like 3px, 1.5cm, -0.5em or 0" href="css/length"><length></a> <a title="Single bar" href="css/value_definition_syntax#single_bar">|</a> <a title="" href="css/percentage"><percentage></a></code></p>


The min-height CSS descriptor specifies the minimum height of the viewport of a document defined via the @viewport at-rule.

The height will initially be set as close as possible to the initial viewport height considering the minimum height constraint.

Related at-rule@viewport
Initial valueauto
Percentagesrefer to the height of the initial viewport
Mediavisual, continuous
Computed valueif specified as a length, the corresponding absolute length; if specified as a percentage, the specified value; otherwise, auto
Canonical orderthe unique non-ambiguous order defined by the formal grammar

Browser Compatibility  

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 29 (behind a flag) No support 10 -ms 11.10
Removed in 15
Reintroduced behind a flag in 16
No support
Feature Android Chrome for Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support 4.4 29 No support 10-ms 11.10
Removed in 15
Reintroduced behind a flag in 16
No support


Specification Status Comment
CSS Device Adaptation
The definition of '"min-height" descriptor' in that specification.
Working Draft Initial definition


© 2016 Mozilla Contributors
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v2.5 or later.

@viewport CSS CSS Descriptor Reference