
This API is available on Firefox OS for internal applications only.

Note: As of Gecko 25.0, this interface has been removed in favor of MozMobileMessageManager.


Provides support for sending and managing SMS messages on a device with WebSMS.

Event Handlers

A handler for a deliveryerror event; this MozSmsEvent is sent whenever an SMS is not delivered to a recipient.
A handler for a deliverysuccess event; this MozSmsEvent is sent whenever an SMS is delivered to a recipient.
A handler for a received event; this MozSmsEvent is sent whenever an SMS is received.
A handler for a sent event; this MozSmsEvent is sent whenever an SMS is sent.
A handler for a sending event; this MozSmsEvent is sent whenever an SMS enters the send flow.
A handler for a failed event; this MozSmsEvent is sent when sending an SMS has failed.


Deletes a message and returns a DOMRequest object (where DOMRequest.result is a Boolean reflecting whether the message was deleted). A message id or an MozSmsMessage object can be used as a parameter.
Gets a message with the specified id and returns a DOMRequest object where DOMRequest.result is a MozSmsMessage.
MozSmsManager.getMessages(filter, reverseOrder)
Gets messages, which are specified using a MozSmsFilter object. The order can be reversed using a boolean as a second parameter. A DOMCursor is returned.
Returns a MozSmsSegmentInfo with the information necessary to create a multi-part SMS for a given text (usually 160 characters per SMS).
MozSmsManager.markMessageRead(id, isRead)
Marks a message with the specified id as read or unread depending on the Boolean isRead. A DOMRequest object is returned.
MozSmsManager.send(number, message)
Sends a message to a specified number. If number is a DOMString (only one number) a DOMRequest object is returned. If number is an array of DOMStrings (multiple numbers) an array of DOMRequest objects is returned.
Gets a list of MozMobileMessageThread. A DOMCursor is returned.

MozSmsManager also inherits the methods from EventTarget.

Register an event handler of a specific event type on the EventTarget.
Removes an event listener from the EventTarget.
Dispatch an event to this EventTarget.

Additional methods for Mozilla chrome code

Mozilla extensions for use by JS-implemented event targets to implement on* properties. See also WebIDL bindings.

  • void setEventHandler(DOMString type, EventHandler handler)
  • EventHandler getEventHandler(DOMString type)


This is a non standard implementation, but it is discussed at W3C as part of the System Application Working Group.

Specification Status Comment
Messaging API Editor's Draft Editor Draft (WIP).

Browser compatibility

For obvious reasons, support is primarily expected on mobile browsers.

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support No support No support No support No support No support
Feature Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support No support 12.0 (12.0) Moz No support No support No support

See also


© 2016 Mozilla Contributors
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v2.5 or later.

API B2G DOM Firefox OS Mobile Non-standard Obsolete Reference Référence WebSMS