
This is an experimental technology
Because this technology's specification has not stabilized, check the compatibility table for usage in various browsers. Also note that the syntax and behavior of an experimental technology is subject to change in future versions of browsers as the specification changes.

The read-only property RTCPeerConnection.currentRemoteDescription returns an RTCSessionDescription object describing the remote end of the connection as it was most recently successfully negotiated since the last time the RTCPeerConnection finished negotiating and connecting to a remote peer. Also included is a list of any ICE candidates that may already have been generated by the ICE agent since the offer or answer represented by the description was first instantiated.

To change the currentRemoteDescription, call RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription(), which triggers a series of events which leads to this value being set. For details on what exactly happens and why the change isn't necessarily instantaneous, see "Pending and current descriptions" in WebRTC connectivity.

Unlike RTCPeerConnection.remoteDescription, this value represents the actual current state of the local end of the connection; remoteDescription may specify a description which the connection is currently in the process of switching over to.


var sessionDescription = peerConnection.currentRemoteDescription;

Return value

The current description of the remote end of the connection, if one has been set. If none has been successfully set, this value is null.


This example looks at the currentRemoteDescription and displays an alert containing the RTCSessionDescription object's type and sdp fields.

var pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
var sd = pc.currentRemoteDescription;
if (sd) {
  alert("Local session: type='" +         
        sd.type + "'; sdp description='" +
        sd.sdp + "'");
else {
  alert("No local session yet.");


Specification Status Comment
WebRTC 1.0: Real-time Communication Between Browser
The definition of 'RTCPeerConnection.currentRemoteDescription' in that specification.
Working Draft Initial specification.

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support No support No support No support No support No support
Feature Android Chrome for Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support No support No support No support No support No support No support

The addition of currentRemoteDescription and pendingLocalDescription to the WebRTC spec is relatively recent. In browsers which don't support them, just use remoteDescription.

See also


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Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v2.5 or later.

currentRemoteDescription Experimental Property Reference RTCPeerConnection WebRTC