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The method simulates a mouse-click on an element.
API HTML DOM HTMLElement Method Reference


The HTMLElement.contentEditable property is used to indicate whether or not the element is editable. This enumerated attribute can have the following values:
API HTML DOM HTMLElement Property Reference


The HTMLElement.contextMenu property refers to the context menu assigned to an element using the contextmenu attribute.
API HTML DOM HTMLElement Property Reference


The HTMLElement.dataset property allows access, both in reading and writing mode, to all the custom data attributes (data-*) set on the element. It is a map of DOMString, one entry for each custom data attribute.
API HTML DOM HTMLElement Property Reference Référence


The HTMLElement.dir property gets or sets the text writing directionality of the content of the current element.
API HTML DOM HTMLElement Property Reference Référence


The oncopy property returns the onCopy event handler code on the current element.
API Event Handler HTMLElement Property Reference Référence


The oncut property returns the onCut event handler code on the current element.
API Event Handler HTMLElement Property Reference Référence


The onpaste property returns the onPaste event handler code on the current element.
API Event Handler HTMLElement Property Reference Référence


The HTMLElement.tabIndex property represents the tab order of the current element.
API HTML DOM HTMLElement Property Reference Référence


The HTMLElement.title property represents the title of the element, the text usually displayed in a 'tool tip' popup when the mouse is over the displayed node.
API HTML DOM HTMLElement Property Reference Référence


The HTMLElement.blur() method removes keyboard focus from the current element.
API HTML DOM HTMLElement Method NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample Reference Référence


The HTMLElement.focus() method sets focus on the specified element, if it can be focused.
API HTML DOM HTMLElement Method NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsExample Reference Référence


The HTMLElement.lang property gets or sets the base language of an element's attribute values and text content.
API HTML DOM HTMLElement NeedsBrowserCompatibility Property Reference Référence


The HTMLElement.isContentEditable read-only property returns a Boolean that is true if the contents of the element are editable; otherwise it returns false.
API Editing HTML DOM HTMLElement NeedsExample Property Read-only Reference Référence

The property returns a CSSStyleDeclaration object that represents only the element's inline style attribute, ignoring any applied style rules.  See the CSS Properties Reference for a list of the CSS properties accessible via style.
API HTML DOM HTMLElement NeedsBrowserAgnosticism NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsMarkupWork NeedsSpecTable Property Reference Référence