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The :-moz-locale-dir(ltr) CSS pseudo-class matches an element if the user interface is being displayed left-to-right. This is determined by the preference intl.uidirection.locale (where locale is the current locale) being set to "ltr".
CSS CSS Reference Localization NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample Non-standard Pseudo-class


Returns the code of the currently active language.
API Firefox OS l10n Localization Property Reference Référence


Returns the direction of the currently active language (ltr or rtl).
API Firefox OS l10n Localization Property Reference Référence


readyState should be used sparingly;  L10n.ready() and L10n.once() are usually better suited for controlling when code is run relative to the state of the localization.
API Firefox OS l10n Localization Property Reference Référence


The :-moz-locale-dir(rtl) CSS pseudo-class matches an element if the user interface is being displayed right-to-left. This is determined by the preference intl.uidirection.locale (where locale is the current locale) being set to "rtl".
CSS CSS Reference Localization NeedsCompatTable NeedsExample Non-standard Pseudo-class Right-to-left