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The HTMLElement.isContentEditable read-only property returns a Boolean that is true if the contents of the element are editable; otherwise it returns false.
API Editing HTML DOM HTMLElement NeedsExample Property Read-only Reference Référence


The HTMLElement.offsetWidth read-only property returns the layout width of an element. Typically, an element's offsetWidth is a measurement which includes the element borders, the element horizontal padding, the element vertical scrollbar (if present, if rendered) and the element CSS width.
API CSSOM View NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsMarkupWork NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Property Read-only Reference Référence


The HTMLFormElement.length read-only property returns the number of controls in the <form> element.
API HTML DOM HTMLFormElement NeedsCompatTable NeedsSpecTable Property Read-only Reference Référence


The HTMLTableElement.rows read-only property returns a live HTMLCollection of all the rows in the table. The rows included in the associated <thead>, <tfoot> and <tbody> elements.
API HTML DOM HTMLTableElement NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsSpecTable Property Read-only Reference Référence


The MouseEvent.clientX read-only property provides the horizontal coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinates within the page). For example, clicking in the top-left corner of the client area will always result in a mouse event with a clientX value of 0, regardless of whether the page is scrolled horizontally.
API CSSOM View DOM DOM Events MouseEvent Property Read-only Reference Référence


The MouseEvent.clientY read-only property returns the vertical coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinates within the page). For example, clicking in the top-left corner of the client area will always result in a mouse event with a clientY value of 0, regardless of whether the page is scrolled vertically.
API CSSOM View DOM Events MouseEvent Property Read-only Reference Référence


The MouseEvent.movementX read-only property provides the shift in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the previous mousemove event. In other words, the value of that property is computed that way : currentEvent.movementX = currentEvent.screenX - previousEvent.screenX.
API DOM DOM Events mouse lock MovementX pointer lock Property Read-only Reference


The MouseEvent.movementY read-only property provides the shift in the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the previous mousemove event. In other words, the value of that property is computed that way : currentEvent.movementY = currentEvent.screenY - previousEvent.screenY.
API DOM DOM Events mouse lock MouseEvent MovementY pointer lock Property Read-only Reference


The MouseEvent.screenX read-only property provides the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer in global (screen) coordinates.
API CSSOM View DOM Events MouseEvent Property Read-only Reference Référence


The MozWakeLock.topic read-only property returns a DOMString with the name of the resource locked.
API Firefox OS MozWakeLock Property Read-only Reference Wake Lock API


The PerformanceTiming.fetchStart read-only property returns an unsigned long long representing the moment, in miliseconds since the UNIX epoch, the browser is ready to fetch the document using an HTTP request. This moment is before the check to any application cache.
API HTTP request Navigation Timing PerformanceTiming Property Read-only Reference Référence


The PerformanceTiming.loadEventEnd read-only property returns an unsigned long long representing the moment, in miliseconds since the UNIX epoch, when the load event handler terminated, that is when the load event is completed. If this event has not yet been sent, or is not yet completed, it returns 0.
API Event Handler Navigation Timing PerformanceTiming Property Read-only Reference Référence


The PerformanceTiming.navigationStart read-only property returns an unsigned long long representing the moment, in miliseconds since the UNIX epoch, right after the prompt for unload terminates on the previous document in the same browsing context. If there is no previous document, this value will be the same as PerformanceTiming.fetchStart.
API Navigation Timing Performance PerformanceTiming.navigationStart Property Read-only Reference Référence


The Selection.anchorNode read-only property returns the Node in which the selection begins.
API Experimental Expérimental HTML Editing Property Read-only Reference Référence Selection


The Selection.anchorOffset read-only property returns the number of characters that the selection's anchor is offset within the Selection.anchorNode.
API Experimental Expérimental HTML Editing Property Read-only Reference Référence Selection


Selection.focusNode read-only property returns the Node, in which selection ends.
API Experimental Expérimental HTML Editing Property Read-only Reference Référence Selection


The Selection.focusOffset read-only property returns the number of characters that the selection's focus is offset within the Selection.focusNode.
API Experimental Expérimental HTML Editing Property Read-only Reference Référence Selection