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The near property tell if there is an object close to the device (true) or not (false).
API Firefox OS Property Proximity


The WebGLRenderingContext.canvas property is a read-only reference to the HTMLCanvasElement or OffscreenCanvas object that is associated with the context. It might be null if it is not associated with a <canvas> element or an OffscreenCanvas object.
Property Read-only WebGL WebGLRenderingContext


The XMLHttpRequest.withCredentials property is a Boolean that indicates whether or not cross-site Access-Control requests should be made using credentials such as cookies, authorization headers or TLS client certificates. Setting withCredentials has no effect on same-site requests.
AJAX API Property Reference XMLHttpRequest


The initial value of the @@iterator property is the same function object as the initial value of the Array.prototype.values property.
arguments Deprecated Functions JavaScript Property


The arguments.callee property contains the currently executing function.
arguments Deprecated Functions JavaScript Property


The obsolete arguments.caller property used to provide the function that invoked the currently executing function. This property has been removed and no longer works.
arguments Functions JavaScript Obsolete Property


The @@unscopable symbol property contains property names that were not included in the ECMAScript standard prior to the ES2015 (ES6) version. These properties are excluded from with statement bindings.
Array ECMAScript6 JavaScript Property Prototype

The property returns a getter function that compares two strings according to the sort order of this Collator object.
Collator Internationalization JavaScript Property Prototype


The Intl.Collator.prototype property represents the prototype object for the Intl.Collator constructor.
Collator Internationalization JavaScript Property Prototype


The buffer accessor property represents the ArrayBuffer referenced by the DataView at construction time.
DataView JavaScript Property Prototype TypedArrays


The byteLength accessor property represents the length (in bytes) of this view from the start of its ArrayBuffer.
DataView JavaScript Property Prototype TypedArrays


The byteOffset accessor property represents the offset (in bytes) of this view from the start of its ArrayBuffer.
DataView JavaScript Property Prototype TypedArrays


The Date.prototype property represents the prototype for the Date constructor.
Date JavaScript Property Prototype Reference


The Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.format property returns a getter function that formats a date according to the locale and formatting options of this Intl.DateTimeFormat object.
DateTimeFormat Internationalization JavaScript Property Prototype


The Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype property represents the prototype object for the Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor.
DateTimeFormat Internationalization JavaScript Property Prototype


The lineNumber property contains the line number in the file that raised this error.
Error JavaScript Property Prototype Reference


The non-standard stack property of Error objects offer a trace of which functions were called, in what order, from which line and file, and with what arguments. The stack string proceeds from the most recent calls to earlier ones, leading back to the original global scope call.
Error JavaScript Property Prototype Reference


The function.arguments property refers to an an array-like object corresponding to the arguments passed to a function. Use the simple variable arguments instead.
arguments Deprecated Function JavaScript Property