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The ChildNode.after() method inserts a set of Node or DOMString objects in the children list of this ChildNode's parent, just after this ChildNode. DOMString objects are inserted as equivalent Text nodes.
API DOM Experimental Method Node Reference


The ChildNode.before method inserts a set of Node or DOMString objects in the children list of this ChildNode's parent, just before this ChildNode. DOMString objects are inserted as equivalent Text nodes.
API DOM Experimental Method Node Reference


The ChildNode.replaceWith() method replaces this ChildNode in the children list of its parent with a set of Node or DOMString objects. DOMString objects are inserted as equivalent Text nodes.
API DOM Experimental Method Node Reference


The CSSValueList interface derives from the CSSValue interface and provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of CSS values.
API CSSValueList DOM Interface NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility Reference


The Document.characterSet read-only property returns the character encoding of the current document. The character encoding is the character set used for rendering the document, which may be different from the encoding specified by the page. (The user can override the encoding.).
API Document DOM Property Read-only Reference


In an HTML document, the Document.createElement() method creates the specified HTML element or an HTMLUnknownElement if the given element name isn't a known one.
API Document DOM Method Reference Référence


createProcessingInstruction() creates a new processing instruction node, and returns it.
API DOM Method NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsCompatTable Reference Référence


In browsers, document.defaultView returns the window object associated with a document, or null if none is available.
API Document HTML DOM Property Reference


Returns the Document Type Declaration (DTD) associated with current document. The returned object implements the DocumentType interface. Use DOMImplementation.createDocumentType() to create a DocumentType.
API Document DOM Property Reference Référence


The Document.documentElement read-only property returns the Element that is the root element of the document (for example, the <html> element for HTML documents).
API DOM Property Read-only Reference Référence


The documentURI property of the Document interface returns the document location as a string.
API DOM NeedsContent NeedsExample Property Reference


When an HTML document has been switched to designMode, the document object exposes the execCommand method which allows one to run commands to manipulate the contents of the editable region. Most commands affect the document's selection (bold, italics, etc.), while others insert new elements (adding a link) or affect an entire line (indenting). When using contentEditable, calling execCommand() will affect the currently active editable element.
API DOM editor Method NeedsBrowserCompatibility NeedsExample Reference


The Document.exitFullscreen() is a method that takes the document out of full-screen mode; this is used to reverse the effects of a call to make an element in the document full-screen using its Element.requestFullscreen() method.
API DOM Full-screen Method Reference


This method functions identically to the Window.getSelection() method; it returns a Selection object representing the text currently selected in the document.
API Document DOM Method Reference Référence Selection


false if the active element in the document has no focus; true if the active element in the document has focus.
API DOM Focus Method NeedsBrowserCompatibility Reference Référence


Returns a DOMImplementation object associated with the current document.
API DOM NeedsContent Property Reference Référence